Friday, December 22, 2017

Another Tanzanian soldier dies in Kampala


A Tanzania People 's Defence Forces (TPDF) soldier on a peacekeeping mission in DRC, has died.
The soldier succumbed to injuries sustained during the 7 December attack on MONUSCO base in Semuliki in Eastern DRC, making the death toll to rise to 15.

Mr. Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General,  announced the sad news at a press conference at the UN Headquarters in New York late Friday.  
"The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) confirmed today that a 15th Tanzanian peacekeeper has died – he passed away in Kampala...." the statement says.
UN offers its condolences to the soldiers' family and the people, people and the Government of Tanzania, as well as colleagues in the UN Mission.

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