Friday, December 22, 2017

EALA Speaker calls for unity

DEUS NGOWI in Arusha
AS Tanzania and Burundi members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) maintain their boycott of the House business, the newly elected Speaker, Mr Martin Ngoga has called for legislators to unite and spearhead integration agenda of the East African Community (EAC).

Mr Ngoga said here that the fourth EALA that started its tour of duty on Tuesday has tasks to do that should not be seen as difficult, assuring members that he will provide the leadership they deserve in order to perform statutory functions to take the integration process to another level.
His call comes as Tanzania and Burundi EALA chapters denounced the speaker, claiming his election was against rules establishing the EAC Treaty and that they will not be working under him. The first session of the fourth EALA was adjourned by the speaker without any resumption date, as legislators go back to their respective countries after they were sworn-in and duly elected the speaker and commissioners.
Mr Ngoga pledged to work to avail the legal framework and infrastructure necessary for effective implementation of areas of integration that the six partner states have negotiated and agreed upon. “We shall reach out to the people of East Africa to preach the gospel of integration in every corner of the East African Community (EAC) and in all partner states.
Our Community is premised on eventual creation of a critical mass of East Africans. It is people-centred and was crafted as such by the founders who, in taking that choice were informed by the lessons and context our region had gone through,” said Mr Ngoga.
The former Rwandan Prosecutor General noted that the primacy of people in the architect of the Community requires that the people’s representatives ensure they engage with the population on regular and sustainable basis.

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