Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Mtongwe channel crossings suspended indefinitely

Commuters at the Likoni channel on May 10, 2017. PHOTO | NMG Commuters at the Likoni channel on May 10, 2017. PHOTO | NMG  
Ferry services at the Mtongwe channel, which was officially re-launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta in March, have been suspended indefinitely.
The Kenya Ferry Services (KFS) management have withdrawn MV Likoni, which has been operating at Mtongwe, and redeployed it to the busy Likoni channel to ease operations.
The move by the agency follows massive disruption of operations on Tuesday and Wednesday along both channels due to strong sea currents.
KFS boss Bakari Gowa said engineers are working on restoring the landing platform at Mtongwe at a cost of Sh10.8 million.
“Heavy rains have caused high and heavy currents making it difficult for the ferry to cross from either channels,” said Mr Gowa.
Transport crisis
Crisis struck the Likoni channel which links Kenya and Tanzania as thousands of commuters were stranded for hours on Wednesday.
The situation was occasioned by stalling of MV Likoni on the mainland side early in the morning.
There was massive congestion as passengers scrambled for ferries.
Normally it takes no more than 10 minutes to cross but since yesterday, the vessels are taking almost 30 minutes before they dock.
Four ferries - MV Likoni, MV Kwale, MV Nyayo and MV Harambee - are currently operating at the Likoni channel. The fifth, MV Kilindini, was withdrawn on Tuesday after it developed mechanical issues.
At least 330,000 people and 5,000 vehicles use the channel every day.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto during the commissioning of the refurbished Mtongwe Ferry in Mombasa. PHOTO | PSCU
President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto during the commissioning of the refurbished Mtongwe Ferry in Mombasa. PHOTO | PSCU

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