Wednesday, March 6, 2024

‘Patience is great lesson we learnt from Mwinyi’

 Daily News reporter

ZANZIBAR: ZANZIBAR President Dr Hussein Mwinyi has said that Tanzanians have learnt a lot from the life of the

second phase President Ali Hassan Mwinyi, including patience, wisdom and good relations with society.

The late Mzee Mwinyi died on February 29, 2023 at the age 98 after succumbing to lung cancer and was laid to rest on March 2, this year at Mangapwani village in Unguja, Zanzibar.

Dr Mwinyi made the remarks during Hitma prayers for the late Mzee Mwinyi held at Jaamiu Mosque in Zanzibar yesterday, stressing that the great thing that Tanzanians have learnt from his life is to be patient.

He said that Mzee Mwinyi had great patience that is difficult to compare with any other leader in Tanzania and that God granted him such a talent in his life.

“For example, many people who eulogised him said he is the one who brought about political and economic reforms in Zanzibar and Mainland.

“In political reforms, he is the one who introduced the multi-party system and in the economy, he allowed free market economy and freedom of the media,” said Dr Mwinyi.

Dr Mwinyi who is the son of the late Mzee Mwinyi, said that although there were people who used media to give false information about the late Mwinyi, he never responded to those people or spoke about anyone on a political platform, he was patient, adding that “this is a lesson he left for Tanzanians.”

He said even after Mzee Mwinyi died; some people have been giving misleading information in relation to the will, adding that the will is given to the family and not otherwise.

He said Mzee Mwinyi always wished that his remains should be laid to rest in the Isles and not otherwise.

“This is why when he was undergoing treatment in the United Kingdom, he demanded to be brought back to Tanzania and when he dies his remains should be taken to Zanzibar for burial,” Mwinyi said.

Meanwhile, as Tanzanians continue to observe a seven-day national mourning period following the death of the second phase President Ali Hassan Mwinyi, various leaders yesterday visited Zanzibar President Dr Husein Mwinyi to console him.

The leaders who separately consoled Dr Mwinyi who is the son of the late Mzee Mwinyi at his Migombani residence in Zanzibar was former Zanzibar President Amani Abeid Karume, Chief of Defence Force (CDF) General John Jacob Mkunda, Bank of Tanzania Governor Mr Emmanuel Tutuba and Home Affairs Minister Hamad Yussuf Masauni.

The late President Mwinyi was known for his wise sayings, and two years before his passing, he shared another valuable one; “Life is a story, make sure yours is a good one worth telling.”

Mzee Mwinyi made the statement while launching his book ‘Safari ya Maisha Yangu’, once again seizing the opportunity to emphasise the importance of living a meaningful and impactful life that leaves a positive legacy.

It was Mwinyi’s last strong message to his beloved Tanzanians, urging them to craft a narrative that inspires, uplifts and leaves a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Mwinyi died on Thursday at Mzena Hospital in Dar es Salaam after succumbing to lung cancer. Several leaders eulogised Mzee Mwinyi as a remarkable leader who exemplified qualities of humbleness, humility, wisdom and decisiveness throughout his tenure.

They gave testimonies on how Mwinyi’s leadership style was characterised by a deep sense of empathy, a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives, and a commitment to making tough decisions for the betterment of his country.

Mwinyi’s legacy, they said, serves as an inspiration for current and future leaders to emulate, showcasing the importance of integrity, compassion and strong leadership in creating positive change.

Leading thousands of Tanzanians to bid farewell to the body of former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi, the sixth phase President Samia Suluhu Hassan challenged public leaders to emulate the old man’s accountability spirit.

Dr Samia described the deceased as a strong and unshakable reformist, with admirable history in Tanzania, East Africa and the entire African continent.

Referring to Mzee Mwinyi’s decision to resign as Minister for Home Affairs over police misconduct some 48 years ago, President Samia reminded public leaders to appreciate their positions as surety.

Addressing mourners at the New Amani Sports complex here, the president quoted the late Mwinyi’s resignation letter, which reads:

“Kisiasa nakiri kuwa nahusika; siwezi kukwepa kwa sababu dhamana yangu ya uwaziri inaambatana na wajibu unaonitaka nijue yanayotendeka wizarani na pia niweze kudhibiti na kuhakikisha mwenendo mwema wa Jeshi la Polisi; loosely translated as, “Politically, I admit involvement;

I cannot escape because my ministerial mandate is coherent with the responsibility to know all that is happening in the ministry and be able to control and ensure good conduct of the Police Force.

” Dr Samia admired her “leadership mentor,” for the bold decision, which proved that leadership is surety and that whatever happened was the leader’s responsibility. “Let’s look at ourselves in the ministries today. Are we aware of what is happening? Are we taking responsibilities?” The President, seemingly targeting her lieutenants, said: “As a leader, wherever you are, if something goes wrong, you must take responsibility.

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