Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Bank Customers condemn vilifying posts about FCMB on social media

BCAN has called for caution over the condemnation of FCMB MD following allegations of infidelity.

The Bank Customers Association of Nigeria (BCAN) have detested the attempt by some social media commentators and publishers to disparage the image of the First City Monument Bank (FCMB) in the

face of the ongoing controversies over alleged extra-marital affairs of the bank’s Managing Director, Mr. Adam Nuru, describing the act of the commentators as unjustifiable.

The National President of the umbrella body of bank customers in Nigeria, Dr. Uju Ogubunka, in a chat with, condemned the ongoing efforts of some agents on social media platforms to denigrate the FCMB brand through photo-shopped posts that don’t represent the ideals the bank had been noted for over the years.

The chartered banker and former Registrar/Chief Executive Officer of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), while reacting to enquiries by correspondents on the alleged infidelity of the bank’s chief and raging calls for his sack and other issues relating to the saga, said most of the calls were not logical when analysed within the context of professionalism and implications for the financial system.

According to him, since the issues being raised remain just allegations, there is need for everyone to wait until investigations promised by the bank’s board on the matter are completed and the findings made known before passing judgment on the embattled Mr. Nuru.

“This is, according to you, an allegation. No right-thinking person relies on allegations to take action. Perhaps, the exception is investigative action. As per the question on people calling the CBN to sack the MD, CBN is not the employer of the CEO. So, action, if there is any to be taken, is not for the CBN to take.

“Again on the denigrating postings by some Nigerians or commentators on social media about FCMB, I want to say it is not the business of bank customers to take position on issues that are said to be allegations. So, it will be honourable for BCAN members to ‘mind their business’.

Ogubunka stated that only investigations can show if the bank chief has breached any banking industry code of ethics, whereby necessary actions can be therefore taken. He advised that people should desist from tarnishing the image of the bank and that of the Managing Director.

“The Nigerian banking industry has a Code of Ethics which can situate the issue when or if investigated and results show a breach of the ethical code. I suggest that premium should not be placed on the unverified and unconfirmed ‘allegation’. Science and technology have advanced so much that the determination of paternity can easily be ascertained.

“There is no need to tarnish or damage peoples’ and institutions’ names, based on allegations,” Ogubunka stressed.


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