Authority (TRA) has organized a one-week public education for tax payers
and other stakeholders in Mtwara Region to broaden tax base and boost
revenue collection in the area.
Commissioner Gelasius Byakanwa said while urging the tax payers,
business people and other citizens to come out in large number that
being acquainted with knowledge on payment of taxes is their obligation.
"I call upon the
citizens of Mtwara including the tax payers, small and medium-sized
business people to ensure they attend the TRA tax education gatherings
and ask questions, consultations from the revenue officials to improve
their knowledge on tax paying voluntarily," he said.
Speaking during the
press briefing on the event, TRA Senior Management Officer, Ms Rose
Mhendeka, from the Taxpayer Education Department said that the public
education would be conducted door to door to reach the majority of the
"We will go door to
door, in the public gatherings, set up camps to reach out to many
people, especially business people and provide clarifications on tax
regulations and procedures," she said.
The taxpayer
education in the region will help educate the citizens on tax revenue,
Value Added Tax (VAT), exercise duty, taxes on motor vehicle change
ownership among others.
However, Ms
Mhendeka called upon the residents with questions and other burning
issues on tax payment(s) to come out and get clarifications and be
educated on the importance of paying taxes voluntarily.
She said TRA
officials will receive and respond to complaints and other issues that
will be raised by the citizens and business peoples in the region.
TRA embarked on the
massive tax education countrywide to improve public knowledge on paying
taxes voluntarily as a practice in the country towards broadening tax
base and boosting of tax collection.
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