Thursday, August 30, 2018

How differently can I handle my application?

HR Specialist & Journalist at Monitor
HR Specialist & Journalist at Monitor Publications Limited, Isaiah Kitimbo 
By Isaiah Kitimbo
I am working as a cashier. My concern is that I have written many job applications lately but I have never got called for interviews. How differently can I handle this? Stephen
Dear Stephen,
Today, the growing stiff competition in the labour market demands job seekers to be more creative
and not simply send out applications to hirers. When attending job interviews, every job seeker’s prayer is to pass and be offered the job.
Having the right qualifications and experience maybe a necessary requirement but not a guarantee for being selected.
You need therefore to do more to impress the panel. Without wondering how, developing a career portfolio can do the trick for you.
For years, graphic artists, journalists, teachers, and other creative types have used career portfolios while job-hunting.
The idea has also caught on for all types of job-seekers; giving them an edge.
A career portfolio is a job-hunting tool that you develop, which gives employers a complete picture of who you are, your experience, your education, your accomplishments, your skill sets, and the potential to become- much more than just a cover letter and resume can provide.
You can use your career portfolio in job interviews to showcase a point, to illustrate the depth of your skills and experience, or as a tool to get a second interview.
Your two biggest decisions in developing your career portfolio are determining the format of the portfolio and the organisation of the portfolio.
Isaiah Kitimbo
HR Specialist & Journalist
Monitor Publications Limited

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