Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thika Four robbery suspects’ bond reduced by half

The four suspects of the Sh50 million theft at KCB Thika bank. FILE PHOTO | NMG The four suspects of the Sh50 million theft at KCB Thika bank. FILE PHOTO | NMG


    • Thika Chief Magistrate Teresa Murigi ruled that each of the suspects should deposit Sh1 million bond with a surety of similar amount.
A court Thursday reduced bond terms for the four suspects of KCB Thika branch robbery from Sh4 million to Sh2 million each.
The suspects are facing charges of breaking and stealing from the bank on diverse dates between November 18 and 20 through an underground tunnel and being in possession of stolen property.
Thika Chief Magistrate Teresa Murigi ruled that each of the suspects should deposit Sh1 million bond with a surety of similar amount.
Ms Murigi also ordered that the four deposit their passports with the court and attend court proceedings every fortnight until the case is heard and determined.
Further, the magistrate ordered that upon release, the suspects must swear an affidavit detailing their place of residence and that they should stay within the court’s jurisdiction until the case is heard and determined.
“If they default on the order requiring them to appear in court the reviewed bond terms shall be cancelled,” ruled Ms Murigi.

Last week, the suspects’ lawyer, Waithera Mwangi, applied to have an earlier bond reviewed on grounds that the amount was too high and that the four are married and have young families to look after.
“They are willing to abide by all other conditions set in the reviewed bond terms. They have no intention of fleeing court jurisdiction, they are also not a flight risk,” Ms Mwangi told the court.
State counsel Stella Oyagi however objected to the application on grounds that the accused might interfere with witnesses, especially owners of the over 200 identity cards recovered from them.
The magistrate had ordered for pre-bail reports on the suspects before her ruling. The case will be mentioned on January 8.

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