Saturday, December 23, 2017

RC launches bylaws to protect Igunga environment, resources

TABORA Regional Commissioner (RC), Aggrey Mwanri has launched village and township bylaws in Igunga District Council meant to control the prevailing environmental degradation and misuse of natural resources.

Speaking with communities at Makomero and Mwabakima villages in the district, when launching the laws, Mwanri said the environment and its occupant will now be safe and fruitful for their well being. He said the customary behaviors of destroying the environment through cutting of trees, burning forests, poor farming, lack of latrines and misuse of natural resources was contributed by lack of enforced bylaws within the area.
“I praise Heifer International through Igunga ecovillage project for their vast work of facilitating and encouraging villagers to come up with such recommendations which would lead them to the best use of their land,” he said.
He urged ward councilors, village and ward executive officers and all Local Government leaders to produce more copies of the bylaw, distribute and put them to the notice board, and should encourage residents to read.
Mwanri revealed that the best use of the laws will lessen ignorance, poverty and communicable diseases and will accelerate the well being of Igunga communities. He ordered the Regional Legal Officer, Richard Lugomela, Igunga District Commissioner John Mwaipopo, Igunga District Executive Director, Revocatus Kuuli, District legal officer and all local government leaders to mainstream the effectiveness of the laws.
Igunga District Administrative Officer Godslove Kawiche noted that whoever goes against the laws by either knowing or unknowingly will be answerable to the court. Speaking on behalf of the villagers, Makomero resident Zefania Kilo commended the good job done by RC Mwanri, Heifer International, Igunga district council officials and the villagers, assuring them that they will follow the laws thoroughly.
Mr Lugomela said that apart from legal protecting of the environment and natural resources, the laws will also help to reduce conflicts which lead to homicide within the community. Igunga eco-village Project Manager Stella Thomas and Natural Resources Management Officer Joseph Mafuru said that the bylaw will promote the best Practices of the project on climate change adaptation strategies which have been introduced in the district.

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