Saturday, December 23, 2017

Govt vows to improve small industries

DAILY NEWS Reporter in Moshi
THE Government has expressed its commitment to continue working with Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) and the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) to improve small industries in the country.

The Minister for Industry, Trade and Investments Charles Mwijage expressed the commitment during the launching of this year’s Northern Zone SMEs products’ exhibition in Moshi, Kilimanjaro region on Thursday under the coordination of SIDO.
In his speech which was read on his behalf by the ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Professor Elisante Ole Gabriel, Minister Mwijage said the government understood and valued the contribution made by small entrepreneurs in improving the country’s economy.
“The ministry is ready to help local entrepreneurs achieve their goals, including obtaining reliable markets for the products that they produce,” Minister Mwijage insisted. Commenting on the exhibitions, Mwijage said it was a good move by SIDO which, he said, would help local entrepreneurs exchange experiences on how to improve the quality of their products and market them.
He said the government would also work closely with local government authorities to ensure entrepreneurs acquired areas good enough to conduct their activities. “The government appreciates the contributions made by private institutions, including SMEs in enhancing the country’s economic growth. We will therefore continue to create conducive environment for the sector to grow,” he promised.
He advised participants of the exhibition to make sure that they produced quality products that meet international standards to attract customers in the country and beyond borders. Speaking during the event, SIDO Director of Marketing and Investments, Mr Titus Kyaruzi said this year’s exhibition attracted more than 200 participants from inside and outside the country.
“We have organized 101 exhibitions which have attracted 47,811 participants. Customers who turned up in those exhibitions pressed orders of commodities and services worth more than 17bn/-,” he said. According to Mr Kyaruzi, SIDO has been taking various measures to improve the performance SMEs, including offering financial support.

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