Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Govt to monitor poll manifesto promises execution online

THE government has launched an online portal to track-down implementation of election manifesto and promises made by senior leaders with the view of improving service delivery and speeding-up economic growth.

Launching the portal, a brainchild of the office of the Prime Minister and egovernment agency (eGA), Minister in the Office responsible for Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled, Ms Jenista Mhagama said the site has simplified monitoring of government activities.
“It will allow senior leaders, the President, his Vice and the Prime Minister, to access actual information on the current state of implementing various projects promised by the State,” she said.
It will help improve monitoring and evaluating speed at which certain projects are implemented and take action. However, experts said the system can also reduce challenges with regard to access to information notably data on timeliness.
The system is being launched just one day after the government announced that at least all its regional and local government authorities were digitalised.
Dr Hamis Mwinyimvua, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry charged with policy and coordination detailed that the portal now includes all 690 election manifesto targets and 376 promises issued by the ruling Chama cha Mapinduzi presidential candidate and President John Magufuli.
According to him, the system shows exactly the level of each single promise made by the government indicating whether it is closed, in progress, on alert or need action due to delays in its implementation. “It is an integrated system involving ministries and sectors.
The president or a minister can access the system and examine the number of projects required to be implemented at a given period of time.” He noted. Apparently, he said the PMO trained at least two focal point persons in each ministry to feed the system on a daily basis.
“The officials will be responsible for updating the system on arising promises by the Head of State or senior leader,” he added.

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