Sunday, February 12, 2017

State introduces e-communication for more transparency.

Addressing public servants in Dodoma yesterday, the Minister of State in President’s Office, Public Service Management and Good Governance Angellah Kariuki (MP) said the e-communication system will enable public servants to lodge their queries and able to make personal follow up within the system and able to get response from their superiors, she said.
Also, public servants staff will be able to ask and track personal duty records which patterns to their date of employment, promotion or final salary increase, and also be able to exchange and acquire information from other staff within any department.
The minister also noted that the fifth phase government under the leadership of President Dr John Pombe Magufuli intends to omit all barriers that could limit public service employees from executing their duties.
She further said e-communication portal is among positive steps taken by the government to work for people in order to achieve sustainable community development, clarified the minister.
Ms Kariuki further said the duties of public servants have direct impact on people’s development if better working environment will be allowed to execute duties, and she further called upon all employees from the central government departments and local government offices to quickly register to the system and start using it.
According to explanation given by the Government Director of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Mr Priscus Kiwango, public employees who attended the event in Dodoma yesterday should know that the system is ready for use, and encouraged all public servants to start registering by loading their basic information to the system.

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