Sunday, February 12, 2017

Kenya Power looking for adviser to headhunt new CEO

Corporate News
Kenya Power chairman Kenneth Marende. PHOTO | FILE
Kenya Power chairman Kenneth Marende. PHOTO | FILE 

Kenya Power is seeking a consultant to lead the headhunt for a new chief executive to succeed Ben Chumo who left in January.
The State-controlled utility is currently reviewing bids from consultancy firms which responded to a request for proposals.
Kenya Power chairman Kenneth Marende, in an interview, said he expects the winning human resource recruiting firm to be picked in a fortnight to begin the hunt for a new CEO.
“We are at the procurement stage for a manpower firm to lead the process. In two weeks, we’ll have settled on a firm,” Mr Marende said.
“I can assure you the hiring of a new CEO will be competitive and transparent,” he said.
Dr Kenneth Tarus is the acting chief executive. He was the general manager in charge of finance prior to his appointment.
Five names
Mr Marende said the consultant will be expected to shortlist five names and forward them to the board.
The directors will in turn scrutinise the finalists and make a recommendation to the Energy minister, who will make the appointment.
Dr Chumo exited the electricity retailer after his bid for a second, three-year term was thwarted by a court order, which stopped the Energy minister and the board from renewing his tenure at Kenya Power. His first three-year tenure began on January 7, 2014, and had already been given a second term before the court stopped the move.
Industrial Court judge Nelson Abuodha in November last year issued temporary orders stopping the renewal of Dr Chumo’s term.
This was after activist Okiya Omtatah moved to court saying Dr Chumo had attained the retirement age of 60 and hence should leave office.
The incoming CEO will have to face head-on the challenges facing Kenya Power including mounting defaulted bills, surging power losses, and illegal electricity connections denying the firm revenue.

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