Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fishing endangers sharks off Mafia

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to protect the famous whale sharks off Mafia Island from human activities especially fishing practices.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is joining forces with Mafia District councils and the community to encourage the public and fishermen to protect the world largest fish -- now a symbol of tourist attraction.
WWF Marine Sector Coordinator Dr Mathias Igulu said whale sharks, one of the country’s marine life attractions, however, are also under threat as a result of uncoordinated fishing activities.
“Protection of these world endangered species is a duty of all of us, not WWF or Mafia council,” he said on Monday at the special occasion to mark the world fisheries day.
Nationwide, the day which has been celebrated since 1998 was marked in Dar es Salaam bringing authorities and government representatives to participate in a cleaning exercise at the Magogoni Fish market.
Launching the campaign at Bondeni-pwani area just adjacent to the coastline on behalf of Mafia District Commissioner, the District Administrative Secretary Mr Gilbert Sandagila said the district is well prepared to tackle dynamite fishing which has also proved a threat to whale sharks.
The secretary also highlighted the need for the general public to protect the nature for generations and generations noting is a responsibility for the entire public
The world has been celebrating every year bringing fishing communities through rallies, workshops, public meetings, cultural programmes, dramas and exhibitions to highlight importance of maintaining the world’s fisheries.
Whale Safari Director Tour guide and Tourism Information Mr Liberatus Cassian noted that from Kisimani to Kilindoni where whale sharks are mostly seen, the area is a big spot for fishermen.

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