Thursday, December 25, 2014

MSD plans private partnerships for better service delivery

 Those who go to private health facilities can expect to spend a minimum of Sh15,000 compared to public hospitals, where the cost is Sh5, 000.PHOTO|FILE 
By Henry Mwangonde, The Citizen Correspondent
In Summary
The agency announced that the government has approved its plan to engage private sector players in the manufacture and distribution of drugs for efficiency and cost management

Dar es Salaam. The Medical Stores Department (MSD) now plans to enhance service delivery and promote local manufacturing of medicine and medical equipment in a bid to cut import expenses.
The agency announced that the government has approved its plan to engage private sector players in the manufacture and distribution of drugs for efficiency and cost management.
MSD acting director Cosmas Mwaifwani also revealed they will, from January 2015, open 24-hour sales outlets in the regions to serve health facilities and individuals. The centres will be opened in Mbeya, Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanza.
Mr Mwaifani told a press conference in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday that the PPP plan will minimise the cost that the entity uses in purchasing drugs outside the country as well as allow the manufacturing of bulk health supplies locally to create jobs. He said MSD currently uses $100 million (Over Sh165 billion) every year to import drugs.
He named the bulk commodities that can be manufactured locally as IV Fluids, syrups, cotton wool absorbent and surgical gauze absorbent. He said they have engaged a consultant to finalise the PPP plan.
He said MSD services would be run through the second phase of the plan saying drugs will be sold through Strategic Business Units in all the centres across the country.
He said MSD will establish 24 hours sales outlets which will be selling on acknowledged price and will be administered by the entity’s zonal offices in all the regions. The 24 hours sales outlets will be opened in March next year beginning with Mbeya,Dar es Salaam and later in June 2015 the regions of Mwanza and Arusha. He added that his office will open up a hotline where all customers in need of their services will dial and get advice or suggestions on ways that the same could be improved.

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