Tuesday, May 7, 2013

'TTB, government must help Kagera in tourism promotion'

Kagera based Kiroyera Tours Operations Manager, William Rutta explains to UK ambassador to Tanzania, Diane Corner on coffee farming at Kitendagulo village in Kagera region after which they visited some of the Kagera tourist attractions including Kyamunene Water Falls and Rubare Forests last year. Looking on is her husband, Peter Stocker and their daughter Eleanor Stocker. (Photo: A Correspondent)

By Beatrice Philemon

Kagera residents will fail to benefit from the tourists attractions they have, if Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) in collaboration with the ministry of Natural resources and Tourism will not take serious steps to help them promote existing tourist attractions.

The challenge was given over the weekend by Kagera based Kiroyera Tours Operations Manager, William Oswald Rutta saying that since the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism conducted a research to identify tourists attractions in Kagera region in 2007, nothing has been done by the ministry to promote the tourist destinations.

He said ever since the research was done TTB has not carried out enough tourism promotion campaign to the attractions.

“As Kagera residents, we need TTB as well as the ministry to support us on this issue because there are plenty of people out there who are not aware of what Kagera is endowed with in terms of tourism. We see much of campaigns in other regions especially in Northern tourist circuit,” he said.

He said it was strange that while Kagera is not given much support other regions receive funds from the government for both domestic and international tourism promotion campaign.

“We have talked to TTB and the ministry on how best to help us in promotional campaigns but nothing has been done,” he lamented.

Presently Kagera region is endowed with the historical sites, game reserves and rich cultural heritage that provides with visitors with authentic cultural experiences that combine nature, scenery, ritual, handcrafts, art, and hospitality and give a unique insight into the region’s way of life.

“Due to these benefits, we want this region to be well-promoted so that it can be known to the foreign tourists, other African countries and even attract more investors in the region in terms of modern hotels, lodges and investment in other social and economic ventures,” he noted.

Tourists visiting Kagera region would be led by very brilliant tour guides who are fluent in many international languages, he said.

Some of the tourists attractions existing in Kagera region are Mutagata hot springs, Burigi game reserve, ancient rock paintings, Minziro forest, Kagera waterfalls at Murongo, rock and caves paintings, Kyamunene caves, Kyamunene waterfalls and Pine forest, Chief Rumanyika museum and Kagera waterfalls at Murongo.

Others include traditional architecture and crafts, ancient story telling modes, Mugana rock painting, traditional dances, bicycle and walking tours, Kagera river which is the source of Nile River, traditional Bahaya houses and real Bahaya life where you can learn a lot from them, rock paintings, traditional Haya drum and majestic tools and even visit at Kagera museum.

Highlighting on Mutagata hot spring, the water is good for therapy such as asthma, skin complications and fractured bones, he said noting that at the moment both local and foreign visitors they normally visit the site looking for therapy or healing.

Tourists eager to visit at Burigi game reserve, he said Burigi Game Reserve is located in North western part of Tanzania, he said noting that tourists eager to visit to this area, they can witness a variety of wild animals and birds such hippopotamus, Fish eagle, roan antelope, cattle egrets, elephants, impala, eland, waterbucks, sable, Sitatunga and shoebill storks.

Also the reserve is permanently watered and able to support resident population of animals all year around.

Highlighting on Chief Rumanyika Museum located at Karagwe district and both local and foreign tourists they just use this area for picnic and other historical cultural tourism, research activities and camp sites , he said noting that right now the site is totally maintained and tourists can use it for leisure activities.

He said tourists willing to visit rock paintings are able to see them at Bwanjai, Rukurungo and Kanyigo rural, while at Minziro forest reserve tourists can witness bird and animal species as well as 600 butterfly species, monkey and big snakes which are rare in the world.

They can also witness Kyaka historical center. This is a special area in slave caravan, Bahaya traditional food, traditional dances in a verity of style, traditional drums, Kantare forest.

Also while at Bukoba Municipality, you can perceive Lake Victoria including its wonderful beach and scenic panorama at Ntungamo view point.

He also mentioned other tourist’s attractions existing in various areas across the region as Kagera Museum at Nyamukazi area, Katuruka Olduvai of Iron Age in Maruku and right now more research is going on with Professor Peter Schidtz.

Others include Kyamunene waterfalls and caves located at Rubare forest. This site has green-belt and beautifully weather, Rubondo Island National Park, Musila Island Boat safari where one can witness the footprints of the first explorer.

Also tourists can see Kyaka Bridge and church demolished during the Idd Amin War and hero monuments. At Muleba district tourists can witness water based activities with many attractive islands including Bunbire Island, Kerebe, Makibwa, Kinagi, Nyaburo as well as Lake Ikimba, Ndolage crater , Ruiga Forest, Burigi river, Mulorwa cave and Bugonzi waterfalls.

In Biharamulo there is Lake Burigi, Rubondo Island, German Boma, Kasozibakaya cemeteries, Bwina Peninsula and Kahugo environmental.

In Ngara there is Rusumo falls memorial of victims of Rwanda genocide, Mbara Kanazai pottery romantic hills with view of cold weather.

In Karagwe district there is Mutagata hot spring, Murongo rapid water, Chief Ndagala famous iron smelting, Ankole cow, Chief Rumanyika Museum, Bweranyage ancient and Ibanda game reserve.

Kagera region is well known for skilled herbalists which provide alternative healing because the region has enormous different plants that can be used for treatment of different diseases for human being, crops, and livestock.

On the other hand, Kagera's Regional Commissioner Col. Fabian Masawe added that Kagera region invites local and foreign businessmen to invest in tourism sector, agriculture and industrial sector.

Situated in the northwestern corner of Tanzania, Kagera has chilly weather and amazing variety of nature friendly inhabitants and strong cultural history.

“We have good land for agricultural activities; we have conserved natural forests such as Minziro forests and other tourist’s attractions,” he noted.

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