Rodgers Luhwago and Katare Mbashiru
DODOMA: THE government has expressed its determination to revive all dormant industries available in all regions across the country.
The Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Mr Exaud Kigahe spoke of the government’s determination yesterday in Parliament when responding to a question asked by Mwanaisha Ulenge (CCM- Special Seats) who sought the government’s position on plans to revive all dormant industries available in Tanga Region.
Responding, Mr Kigahe said the government continues implementing various strategies meant to revive dormant industries located in various parts of the country, including those found in Tanga Region.
According to the deputy minister, one of the strategies involves offering technical advice to owners who wish to develop them.
The deputy minister said another strategy involves repossessing them before inviting other interested developers to take over ownership.
He said more efforts are being made to attract new investors by improving business and investment environment.
In his supplementary question, Ms Ulenge asked the government about its plan to review investment policy and other legal frameworks governing investment so that they keep pace with changes occurring in the world, including aligning with tax laws.
Responding, Mr Kigahe said the government is in the process of reviewing the investment law and policy so that the documents can respond to the current requirements.
Shali Raymond (CCM-Special Seats) asked the government if its strategy of reviving dormant industries would also involve all firms available in Kilimanjaro Region.
Showing how the government was committed to reviving all industries, including those located in Kilimanjaro Region, the deputy minister said the Kilimanjaro Machine Tools (KMTC) is now operating after being revived.
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