Saturday, April 13, 2024

Long-awaited Msimbazi project kicks off next week

DAR ES SALAAM: THE much-awaited Msimbazi Basin Development Project is set to...

commence officially next week under the supervision of the Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA), the government has announced.

According to the Chief Government Spokesperson, Mr Mobhare Matinyi, TARURA will begin the execution of the project on Monday by demolishing structures at the site while adhering to its agreement with the residents of the respective area.

He said on Friday in Dar es Salaam that, according to the agreement, the houses affected by the project will be valued, and the residents will be paid compensation.

Six weeks after the money has been deposited into their bank accounts, TARURA will demolish the structures.

“As of February 29th of this year, TARURA had deposited compensation payments amounting to 52.61bn/- into the accounts of 2,155 out of 2,329 house owners registered in the first list. Currently, TARURA is finalising compensation payments for the remaining 446 individuals on the second list whose houses were not initially valued for various reasons,” he said.

Mr Matinyi added that TARURA will collaborate with the district council offices in the Dar es Salaam Region where the project will pass through to ensure that the work is carried out accurately and meticulously.

The Msimbazi Basin Development project aims to reduce the impact of floods, promote better land use, prevent soil erosion, restore natural flow, allow river water to flow into the sea, and facilitate water management.

The project is expected to be implemented for over five years until 2028 and will require an estimated budget of 260 million US dollars, equivalent to 675bn/-. Mr Matinyi said, “Funds will be allocated for constructing flood control infrastructure, relocating the Ubungo Maziwa bus terminal, building the Jangwani bridge, establishing a city park, developing residential and commercial areas, enhancing the Msimbazi River, and managing solid waste.”

In November 2023, the government signed a grant agreement worth 30 million Euros, equivalent to 82.8bn/-, with the Netherlands through the Dutch Government Investment Agency – Invest International to co-finance the Msimbazi Basin Development Project.

The project will also be co-financed through a 30 million US dollars credit from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, about 70bn/-.

And before that, in October 2022, the World Bank (WB) financed the Msimbazi Basin Development Project with 200 million US dollars, equivalent to over 466bn/-. TARURA urged citizens with inquiries regarding the project to contact the provided numbers, 0738-353854 or 0738-353855, for further clarification and assistance.

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