Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The nine tribes without State jobs


Chairperson of the Public Service Commission Anthony Mwaniki Muchiri. FILE PHOTO | NMG    

By EDWIN MUTAI More by this Author

Nine ethnic communities in Kenya have been locked out of employment in

government ministries and State departments more than a decade since the new Constitution took effect, a new Public Service Commission (PSC) report says.

Tabled by the PSC chairperson Anthony Muchiri, the report says the nine are only represented in parastatals.

“Aweer/Waata, Dahalo, Gosha, Konso, Makonde, Nubi, Walwana/Malakote, Wayyu and Kenyan Americans ethnic communities were not represented,” Mr Muchiri said.

“Apart from Dahalo and Kenyan Americans, these ethnic communities are nonetheless represented in the parastatals.”

He said 36 ethnic communities were represented in the ministries and departments in line with the 2019 census while nine ethnic communities were missing.

The PSC report tabled in Parliament shows that the Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities are overrepresented in the public service.

The report tabled by the PSC chairperson Anthony Muchiri says that out of the 75,031 slots in ministries and State departments, the Kikuyu have 16,691 or 22.25 percent while 10,565 or 14 percent are held by the Kalenjin community.

Luhya community comes in third with 8,879 or 11.83 percent of the jobs. The Luo community controls 7,774 or 10.36 percent of positions while the Kambas hold 6,874 or 9.16 percent.

The Kisii community has 5,595 or 7.45 percent positions while 4,046 or 5.39 percent are held by the Meru community. Kenyan European and the Hawiyah ethnic community have one slot each or 0.0013 percent of the jobs.

The Dasnach-Shangil have five slots, Elmolo (12), Boni-Sanye (16), Sakuye (25), Murulle (34), Kenyan Asian (34), Dorobo (39), Njemps (45), Taveta (66), and Burji (68).

The findings are contained in a report on a statement sought by nominated Senator Godfrey Otsotsi on equal representation in recruitment in the government.

The report shows that in the financial year 2022/23, the Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities were grossly overrepresented in the public service.

The Kikuyu, with a national population of 8,148,668 or 17.13 percent held 51,994 or 20.53 percent of the total available jobs of 253,3186.

The Kalenjin with a national population of 6,358, 113 or 13.37 percent, took 43,983 or 17.3 percent of the public service jobs.

Kenyan Somalis whose population was 2,780,502 or 5.85 percent held only 7,195 or 2.84 percent of the PSC jobs.

The Kenyan Europeans who number 1,738 and the Dahalo who were 575 are not represented in employment in the public service.

“The PSC has initiated Phase II of the affirmative action programmes in all public institutions under its jurisdiction" to "concretise the gains made on inclusivity processes during the 2018/19 to 2021/22 financial years,” he said.


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