Monday, March 4, 2024

Tanzania – Russia ties in changing global landscape

TANZANIA: THE enduring bond between Russia and Tanzania, dating back to the

early 1960s when Tanzania broke free from British colonial rule, serves as a remarkable testament to the deep-rooted diplomatic relations and friendship existing between the two nations that have blossomed over the past six decades.

During the Cold War era, Tanzania, under the leadership of Julius Nyerere, pursued a policy of non-alignment, seeking support from both Western and Eastern bloc countries.

The Soviet Union, now Russia, saw Tanzania as a Strategic Partner in Africa and provided assistance in various sectors, including infrastructure, education, and defense. Tanzania’s alignment with socialist principles and its anti-colonial stance during the cold war, resonated with Russia’s foreign policy objectives.

This alignment led to increased cooperation between the two countries, with Russian aid contributing to Tanzania’s development projects and economic initiatives.

However, the relationship was not without challenges, as Tanzania’s non-alignment stance sometimes strained its ties with both superpowers. After the Cold War ended and Russia emerged as the successor state to the Soviet Union, the relationship between Russia and Tanzania underwent a significant transition.

The once “informal” ties between the two nations gradually evolved from ideological alignment to a more pragmatic cooperation based on mutual interests. During this transition period, both Russia and Tanzania adjusted their diplomatic approach to adapt to the changing global landscape.

The shift from ideological alignment to pragmatic cooperation was driven by the need to forge partnerships that would benefit both countries economically, politically, and socially.

For instance, both countries began to explore opportunities for economic collaboration, including trade agreements, investment opportunities, and joint ventures in various sectors such as mining, energy, agriculture, and infrastructure development. When the two nations eventually formalized their “relationship “in 1961, highlevel diplomatic engagements and exchanges began to take place.

The diplomatic bond signaled a commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and exploring areas of mutual interest. This, they endorsed by forming a joint commission to accelerate relations in the areas of investment, trade and economic development between the two countries in 2019.

Efforts were further made to enhance peopleto-people ties through cultural exchanges, educational scholarships, and collaborative programmes in areas such as science, technology, and capacity building between the two countries.

This was evident when in July 2023 Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa,visited Russia to attend the second Russian -African Summit held in St. Petersburg.

A summit that brought together leaders and investors from over 37 Africa countries and Russia, to discuss ways to strengthen partnership, while also devising strategies to improve individual country challenges.

“Our participation in this forum is very beneficial for Tanzania as we can learn about other African countries’ activities in various sectors and gain experience from them,” Majaliwa said.

The “marriage” between Russia and Tanzania solidified after the two nations held discussions on Security Cooperations , Regional Stability and Humanitarian assistance, promising each other their support in hard times. This partnership underscored the shared commitment to peace and security, fostering a safer environment for both countries and the broader international community.

Indeed Russia and Tanzania, have come a very long way and their relationship keeps blossoming as both countries continue to maintain diplomatic ties particularly in areas such as Trade, Energy, Education, and Healthcare.

When it comes to education, Russia has been instrumental in providing scholarships and training opportunities for Tanzanian students and professionals, equipping them with valuable skills and knowledge that contribute to the advancement of various sectors in Tanzania.

This collaboration has not only bolstered economic growth but has also created opportunities for job creation and technological exchange. Another significant cord that keeps strengthening the almost 63-year relationship between Tanzania and Russia, is their political ideologies.

Both Tanzania and Russia have not just been instrumental in nurturing and advancing their bilateral relationships, but also the commitment shown by leaders from both nations in promoting dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect.

In a gesture of diplomatic goodwill and engagement, Andrey Avetisyan, the current Ambassador of Russia to Tanzania, on Thursday February 23, paid a courtesy call on the newly elected Secretary General of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) political party Ambassador Dr Emmanuel John Nchimbi at his office in Dar es Salaam.

The less -than an hour meeting, although aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between Russia and Tanzania, also served as a perfect opportunity to discuss economic and other developmental issues all geared towards fostering dialogue and cooperation between the two nations in various sectors.

Ambassador Avetisyan’s courtesy call did not just underscore the longstanding friendship between Tanzania and Russia. The visit also signifies the importance of maintaining and strengthening international partnership ,building trust and laying groundwork for future collaborations between Tanzania and Russia.

As the two nations look forward to celebrating a milestone of 63 years of diplomatic relations come December 11, 2024, it is a fitting moment to reflect on the endearing partnership and mutual benefits that have characterized the relationship between these two nations over the past six decades.

The two, since establishing ties in 1961, have shared a rich history of cooperation and collaboration across various fields, contributing to the development and prosperity of both countries.

The bond forged between the two nations has transcended geopolitical shifts and global dynamics, standing as a testament to the strength of their enduring friendship.

Another significant area in which Russia and Tanzania have shared and benefited from each other is in economic cooperation. Over the years, both countries have engaged in trade agreements, investment ventures, and joint projects in sectors such as mining, energy, agriculture, and infrastructure development. Looking ahead, as Tanzania and Russia continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is imperative that they build on the foundation of trust and cooperation that has been established over the past six decades.

By exploring new avenues of collaboration, harnessing technological advancements, and embracing innovation, The ties between these two nations can further deepen their partnership for the benefit of both countries and their people, by upholding the values of mutual respect, solidarity, and shared prosperity.

This is the surest way the two countries can continue to write new chapters of success and cooperation in many years to come.

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