Tuesday, March 12, 2024

CBE to introduce corruption investigation course

TANZANIA: THE College of Business Education (CBE) plans to introduce a long term course on the investigation of corruption issues and anti-corruption to deal with the problem in this country.

That move was announced on Monday in Morogoro by the CBE Rector Prof Edda Lwoga during a short-term capacity building of public and private sector employees in anti-corruption issues.

The training involved participants from within and outside the country. She explained that in order to ensure that the course procedures are adhered to they will collaborate with the National Council of Examinations NECTA to find a Curriculum that will meet the teaching criteria.

The CBE Rector said that the course will be taught from the certificate level and later students will sit for international examination recognised in the country to enable graduates work anywhere in the world.

“Currently we offer short courses on investigation of corruption issues and anticorruption to government and private institutions,” she said.

The Lawyer and Trainer on corruption investigation from CBE, Stella Cosmas said that after starting the long-term certificate course, the students will take international exams that will enable many Tanzanians to be recognised internationally.

She said that currently many institutions have hired people from outside the country to do the work while there are many youth here in the country who, if well trained can do good work with great competence.

The Morogoro District Commissioner, Rebecca Nsemwa, said the issue of corruption is a big challenge in the country for accessing justice in decision-making bodies including the Courts and the Police.

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