Wednesday, March 8, 2023

TZ targets increased Chinese tourists


TANZANIA’s tourism promotional drive gathers pace, with the East African nation now enhancing efforts towards increasing the number of Chinese visitors.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is working closely with the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania to devise strategies to reach out to various parts of China and market tourist attractions Tanzania is endowed with.

Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa made the revelation recently after meeting the Chinese Ambassador to Tanzania, Ms Chen Mingjian, at the National Museums of Tanzania (NMT) in Dar es Salaam.

“We are targeting to attract and receive more tourists from the world’s second largest economy and most populous nation from the current 45,000 annually to many more per year,” the minister said after being informed by Ms Mingjian about 150 million Chinese tourists visiting different countries of the world every year.

He said such an initiative will be in line with the government’s target to attract five million tourists per year and generate 6 billion US dollars (about 14tri/-) as outlined in the Third National Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP III) of 2021/22 – 2025/26.

To promote sector competitiveness and linkages, FYDP III is prioritising the development and implementation of a clear tourism, legal and regulatory framework and strengthening public-private dialogue and collaboration.

Key interventions include to promote new tourism products development and diversification for sustainable growth and to promote southern tourist circuits as alternative to other circuits.

The minister said strategies of reaching such a target include using foreign embassies and consulates to reach out potential visitors with films, adverts, leaflets and similar methods of advertising Tanzania.

Mr Mchengerwa said the two countries share a long-term bilateral relationship and hence, it would be easier to stretch a hand of such diplomatic ties and trade towards increasing tourists coming to enjoy Tanzania’s natural, cultural and human attractions.

“If we succeed in this mission, it means that tourists from China alone might hit the target of receiving five million tourists, hence managing to contribute at least 33 per cent in the national income by the year 2025/26,” he said.

He added that the work to entice tourists from African, Europe, American and Asian countries will continue to be strengthened.

Mr Mchengerwa, who was also in his maiden tour to the national museum since he was transferred to the docket, promised that the government will continue to improve museums in the country, for preservation of history and acting as a source of income.

He directed the national museum staff to cooperate and work hard and that they should target to increase visitors to the country’s historical sites.

According to National Museum of Tanzania Director General Dr Noel Lwoga, Last year, the national museum which is a home to well-stored cultural heritage symbols, artifacts and antiquities received about 700,000 local and foreign visitors who went to learn about Tanzania’s history.

For her part, Chinese envoy Ms Mingjian, promised that the statue of Father of the Nation Mwalimu Julius Nyerere will be delivered before the end of next month.

She said that a statue which is being developed in China under the auspices of her government will be part of cementing a historical people to people relationship between Chinese and Tanzanians.

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