Monday, February 20, 2023

Lusahunga-Rusumo road to stimulate EA economy

THE Lusahunga-Rusumo road project, whose contract for upgrading was signed on day, will link Tanzania to four East African countries from Kagera Region, hence stimulating regional economy.

It was all cheers as hundreds of Tanzanians led by the Minister for Works and Transport, Prof Makame Mbarawa, witnessed the signing of the contract for the  construction of the 92-Km Lusahunga-Rusumo road  at the cost of 153.56bn/-.

Speaking after the contract signing, Minister Mbarawa hailed President Samia Suluhu Hassan for endorsing an implementation of people-oriented projects across the country.

“The signing of the contract for Lusahunga-Rusumo road project is a milestone because the road will link  Tanzania to three East African Community (EAC) nations of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi  and Democratic Republic of Congo-(DRC),” he said.

He explained that during the past four months the government had already signed road contracts amounting to over 540bn/-.

He appealed to people where such projects are being implemented to safeguard them for their own benefits and future generations.

He also urged people to cooperate with contractors where the projects are being implemented.

Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Engineer Rogatus Mativila inked the contract on behalf of the government while Mr Yang Jialziu,  Commercial manager represented  China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC).

Engineer Mativila explained that due to dilapidated condition of the road the government spent over 33.67bn/- in  periodic maintenance during the past three years.

He explained that various projects were being implemented under the Tanzania Transport Integration Project (TAnTIP), including 104km Iringa- Msembe (Ruaha) road, the 116km  Lutukila(Madaba)-Songea road and the 204km Mtwara-Mingoyo-Masasi road.

According to Engineer Mativila, three airports are due for upgrading. He named them as Tanga, Lake Manyara and Iringa airport passengers lounge.

Recently, Kagera Regional Commissioner Albert Chalamila told journalists that the government was keen to improve border roads with aim to stimulate economic activities.

He listed some of the roads being improved to tarmac level including the 120km Bugene (Karagwe)- Benaco (Ngara) where 60 kilometres will be improved under  Phase One.

According to the RC, the 120km Bugene- Kasulo (Benaco) road that is being constructed at the  cost  of 109bn/- is of  great importance as  it would link Tanzania to four  neighbouring East African Community (EAC) nations   namely Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and South Sudan.

“The road will enhance regional economy, allowing citizens of the five EAC countries to do business.  People should safeguard and avoid vandalising the project through theft of building materials and fuel,” he urged.

The 111km Omugakorongo (Karagwe) -Kigarama-Murongo (Kyerwa) road will also be improved to tarmac level. Its 54 kms are under procurement stage to get a contractor.

The Bugene-Kaisho-Murongo road is earmarked for upgrading and the 50km Kyerwa-Omurushaka stretch is under procurement stage to get a contractor. The Kagera Sugar (Missenyi) – Bunazi-Kitengure (Karagwe)’s 25km stretch is   also under procurement stage to get the contractor.

Mr Chalamila also revealed that the government had allocated about five million US dollars (over 11bn/-) for the construction of a large parking yard at Benaco and  an international market complex  at Rusumo on the Tanzania-Rwanda border.

He was optimistic that the completion of the projects would open a new chapter and spur Kagera region’s economy.

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