Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Arun's shoe addiction and work is life mantra


Arun Nagar, the CEO and Managing Director of Ziiki Media. FILE PHOTO | POOL

By Eddy Ashioya More by this Author

Despite working with—and sometimes for—celebrities, you get the sense that Arun Nagar, the CEO and Managing Director of Ziiki Media would rather spend his days in the backdrop.

He is self-effacing, scoffing at the suggestion of his impact on their careers—“A coach taking credit for a player is like a cockerel taking credit for the sun coming up.”

Arun has waged his profession on music power-broking, the high priest that christens also-rans to superstars, on patiently picking the lock and building his career by building others’, on watching from behind as said others are catapulted into the limelight, the way fortune ebbs and flows. He has always been the rope, ever the harness, never the noose. A stage-builder, rather than a leading man.

Crucially, he says, for him, there is no difference between work and life. His life is work and his work is life, and he says the two are a yes/and equation rather than an either/or differentiation—noble sentiments not quite at home in our age.

Previously, he was the CEO and Managing Director of Spice VAS Africa Pte Ltd, deploying the company's digital entertainment platforms with telecom operators in several key markets in Africa—Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, DRC, South Africa, and Zambia.

He is now leading the team at Ziiki Media to build it as the first port of call for African talent, and help promote it across the continent and beyond, buoyed by his over three decades of experience revolutionising the lives of the artist community associated with Ziiki.

Music may be his first love, but it definitely isn’t his last, if his shoes are anything to go by. He is like the Imelda Marcos of shoes.

If you were to search his closet looking for skeletons, you will be disappointed. There are only shoes in there.

Why so many shoes?

It’s a special moment in my childhood. When I was little, I watched a movie and saw a grey boot and told my father I wanted that boot. I was eight years old.

In my town, you would never find such a boot. After some time, my father travelled to Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), a big city in East India, and when he came back he had that exact boot specially made for me by a Chinese bootmaker in Kolkota’s Chinatown. That memory is a treasured moment.

Are you now into boots?

No, but that’s why I am into shoes. My wife always makes fun of me, 'buy anything else just not shoes!'

Speaking of, did you take someone out for Valentine's Day?

Unfortunately, not this year. I was travelling for work. But we’ve had a few decades of valentines. I am sure she will survive this one haha! Besides, when you are married, every day is Valentine’s Day!

Tell me about your Saturdays?

I work for fun. When work is fun, fun is work. I can have fun while working, and work while having fun.

So working is the main activity you do?

Living is the main activity I do haha! People say work-life balance and I don’t think one needs to put a definitive line between work and life. Life is work and work is life.

But work doesn’t have to mean something very serious and high-pressure. Last night I was at Quiver Lounge, and it was fun. But it was also work. Or maybe I am just privileged?

Do you club frequently?

Yes, of course. Like a normal person haha!

When you think of the weekend what food comes to mind?

I have had the privilege to travel to over 80 countries. My taste in food is extremely diverse. I know you are looking for a specific answer but I enjoy Japanese, and Italian or I could be back home and savour my ugali and kuku kienyeji, of course, haha!

When you travel, is it with family or solo?

I like to travel with my family. My wife and I have been married for almost 36 years now.

How many children so far?

So far? Haha! Two.

Are you a heavy packer when you travel?

I travel light. I have also learned to take every experience as a lesson and not dichotomise between good and bad.

What’s the one thing you can’t miss on a trip?

Working out. I work out every day using whatever is available. If there is a gym, I will gym. Or walking. Or I will carry my exercise bands. I like keeping active.

Are you a planner or spontaneous?

A planner. I get rattled when things happen haphazardly. When you are accustomed to doing something for such a long time, planning and spontaneity are two edges of the same knife.

What is the one thing you wish you could do better in your leisure time?

Maybe play more golf. It is a lovely game but it takes much more time than I am willing to give.

What do you have time then for?

Family. It ends up becoming a bit of a compromise that I am not able to give enough time to them.

Do you have a special treat that you like to do just for them?

I like to think that there are many things that only I can do for them haha! But my signature move is to plan for a holiday twice a year and make sure the family comes together.

What’s the most memorable trip you planned for your family?

When my son graduated, we all went for a holiday to the Greek Islands. All we did was Island hopping. When my daughter graduated four years later, we all went to Japan.

Are you a religious person?

Yes. But maybe my definition differs from yours.

What’s your definition?

I believe there is a bigger power that is supporting all of us. I am originally from India and all the religions of the world are represented there.

I do not subscribe to the division religion has imparted on us. Whoever created us wanted one humanity. My religion is not something written in a book or someone giving me preaching on a Saturday or Sunday.

What are you currently reading?

Malcolm Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers.

What is the one thing that has stayed with you from the book?

Communication. Effective communication is very critical. In the book, he talks about a slight miscommunication between a policeman and a woman.

The policeman stops her, is very arrogant, and puts the woman in jail over some small miscommunication. The woman eventually commits suicide.

What’s the last thing you do before the lights go out?

I read.

What is your weekend hack that few people know?

First, stop treating your weekend as a different day. I wake up at 5 am every day, Monday through Monday. Just because it’s a weekend, I don’t sleep in. I use that time to be with my family.

Even on holiday, or when I am travelling, every day is the same. Just ask my team, they will get messages early in the morning and start cussing haha!


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