Saturday, November 19, 2022

Germany provides Tanzania major sectors with Sh210 billion grant



  • The grant will also improve the health of mother and child, strengthen family planning among the youth and strengthen the Universal Health Insurance (UHI) plan

Dar es Salaam. Germany has granted Tanzania Sh210 billion for implementation of development projects in the sectors of health, water, tourism, environment and good governance.

Other sectors are economic empowerment of women and children and improving digital systems for monitoring incidents of gender against women and children.

The decision was announced in Berlin after the conclusion of talks between teams from both sides.

While the Tanzania delegation was led by the Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Mwigulu Nchemba, its Germany counterpart was under deputy minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr Barbel Kofler.

“Tanzania is happy to receive €87 million which is equivalent to Sh210 billion that will largely help in improving the life of people,” Dr Nchemba said when delivering a vote of thanks.

He said the grant would be directed to maintaining National Parks and hunting areas biodiversity in order to make them sustainable and increase revenue generation.

“The grant will also improve the health of mother and child, strengthen family planning among the youth and strengthen the Universal Health Insurance (UHI) plan,” he said.

Furthermore, he said the money should be directed to the implementation of sanitation and environmental conservation programmes and protection of water sources in the efforts of enabling Tanzanians to access clean and safe water both in Mainland and Zanzibar.

“The grant will also be directed to strengthening gender equality, improving the rights of women and children by preventing incidents of gender based violence and therefore accelerating the country’s development,” he said.

He said the public funds good governance supervision and strengthening of financial systems are among the areas that would benefit from the grant.

According to him, the money will also be used for research and preparing write-ups for projects that would be executed by the government through the training and expertise fund.

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