Thursday, April 21, 2022

Bashungwa rescinds ban on Boda boda in Dar’s CBD

Boon Rider

A boda boda rider

By Naomi William

Dar es Salaam. The Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government – PO-RALG), Innocent Bashungwa has

directed authorities in Dar es Salaam to rescind a ban on motorcycle taxis (bodabodas) from entering the central business district.

Speaking in Parliament on Thursday, April 21, 2022, Mr Bashungwa said though the intention to ban bodaboda and tricycle (Bajaji) taxis from operating in the central business district was good, its implementation would take a lot of young Tanzanians out of employment.

“Of course the intention is good but the flaw lies in addressing the issue itself. The sixth phase administration recognizes and values the role of bodaboda and bajaji taxis in the creation of employment for Tanzanian youths. They regard it as their official employment,” he said, calling upon the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Amos Makalla to oversee the implementation of a reversal of the ban.

Initially, the ban was meant to start on April 20, 2022.

Later, Ukonga legislator Jerry Silaa (CCM) moved a motion to ask the House to debate bodabodas and bajajis as a matter of urgency.

“You shall recall Madam Speaker that whenever you go to your constituency, you are welcomed by a group of youths riding bodabodas and in other areas, we seriously depend on them. In Dar es Salaam however, there has been a lot of uncertainty surrounding this group,” he said.

However, Dr Ackson said the motion could not be debated but instead, she asked the Prime Minister, who is the leader of government business in Parliament, to work on the issue and issue directives on how bodabodas and bajajis should operate across the country.

“The Prime Minister is here with us. We ask you to take this topic and issue directives, including on how they should operate so that people can know,” she said.

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