Thursday, September 2, 2021

Juris Bruvers: How to promote yourself on social media


Juris Bruvers

As an influencer, Juris Bruvers knows a few tricks about launching a new project or business or working to grow your existing enterprise, social media branding should be central to your strategy.

Just about everyone you could hope to snag as a customer is already using social; so, why aren’t you using it, too?

Juris states, “A stellar social media presence takes a lot more than setting up a few profiles and waiting for new customers to find them.”

Don’t waste this prime opportunity to engage with your audience and convert them into loyal brand enthusiasts. Instead, use magnetic social media branding techniques to cut through the noise, drive more leads, and outshine your competitors.

Less is more
Stop thinking that the amount of stuff you post is the only thing that matters. Yeah, you gotta post regularly to keep your audience. But two or three times a week, even two or three times a month will cover that for you. According to Bruversrather than flood people’s timelines with your projects all the time, post at the best times when people will be looking. Lunchtimes and early evening are the classics.

Share on the right platform
With so many social media sites constantly sprouting up and vying for attention, it can be hard to keep up. Having accounts on various sites can be advantageous for fostering innovation and staying creative. But it can also be difficult to choose which platform to post your content to. To reiterate, since different sites serve different purposes and audiences, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the major social media platforms your target audience uses. Bruvers implies that to avoid redundancy and simply “dumping” content across all channels. Concentrate on the platforms where you have the highest chance to engage with your audience.

Create share-worthy content
Social media branding success means getting more people to know and love your brand.
Bruvers shared, “Creating share-worthy content is one of the best ways to make that happen. If people know they will always find something they want to share when they drop by your page, they will keep coming back.”

Fantastic content works for you in multiple ways. It drives traffic from potential leads while establishing your authority in a given niche, both among customers and other professionals.
The engagement it brings gives you deep insights into your niche as well as your audience. Nowadays, small businesses can kill it for very little money — thanks to social media.

There you have it. Some tips from a professional to get you started on expanding your viewer base on social media. Now, get out there and start branding! Don’t forget: when you want to amp up your brand and make it look perfect, a professional designer can help you take your social profiles up a few notches.

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