Friday, August 27, 2021

Tanzania: Unlicensed Water Well Drillers Put On Notice

 By Alexander Sanga in Mwanza

THE Lake Victoria Basin Water Board (LVBWB) has issued a-seven day ultimatum to unlicensed water users and water well drillers to ensure they acquire the licenses as stipulated in the Water Resources Management Act number 11 of 2009.

The Board's Director, Mr Renatus Shinhu, said that after such a grace period, LVBWB will conduct an inspection, apprehending wrong doers and take them to court.

"Absence of permits leads to drilling water without survey, hence, creates water shortage, and in the end the Board carries the burden," he said.

According to him, the operation will also target those who have been engaging in water research activities without license.

He said that the Board would also take legal actions as per regulation number 16 (1) and (2) of Water Resources Management Number 825 of 2019 against water bill defaulters as well as water authorities that issue unrealistic water bills to customers.

Among the institutions to face actions includes Urban and Rural Water Authorities and Agencies, he said.

"All unlawful water well drillers should as soon as possible submit license applications to the Board's offices located in Musoma, Bukoba and Mwanza. The companies engaging in groundwater exploration should submit license applications to Ministry of Water," he said.

According to him, punishments to unlawful water users is either to pay between 300,000/ - and 1m /- penalty, or one year imprisonment.

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