Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Mbowe’s economic sabotage case finally moves to High Court

Mbowe pic

By James Magai


  • Mbowe, alongside Halfan Bwire Hassan, Adamu Hassan Kasekwa, alias Adamoo and Mohamed Abdillahi Lingwenya, were brought to the High Court at 8:59am on Tuesday, ready to stand trial before Judge Elinaza Kivanda.

Dar es Salaam. The economic sabotage case - facing Chadema national chairman Freeman Mbowe and three others - officially moved to the High Court’s Corruption and Economic Crimes Division on Tuesday for preliminary hearing.

This comes one week after committal proceedings were read to the defendants at the Kisutu Resident’s Magistrate Court.

Mbowe, alongside Halfan Bwire Hassan, Adamu Hassan Kasekwa, alias Adamoo and Mohamed Abdillahi Lingwenya, were brought to the High Court at 8:59am on Tuesday, ready to stand trial before Judge Elinaza Kivanda.

The three co-accused persons are combatants, popularly known as commandos, who had been relieved of their duties within the Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF) some years back.

According to the charge sheet, which was presented at the Kisutu Resident’s Magistrate Court last week, and which has been delivered to the High Court for hearing and ultimately, judgment, the four are facing six counts of financing terrorism and terrorism conspiracy.

They are accused of conspiring to blast several filling stations across the country and attempting to harm former Hai District Commissioner, Lengai Ole Sabaya.

Prosecutors informed the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court last week that they have lined up former Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Robert Boaz, former Arusha and Kinondoni Regional Police Commander Ramadhani Kingai among others as prosecution witnesses.

On the other side, a lawyer representing Mr Mbowe named the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Simon Sirro and Mr Sabaya as defence witnesses.

Mr Ole Sabaya is also standing trial over six counts including that of armed robbery and economic sabotage.

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