Thursday, August 19, 2021

‘Enter all vaccination records in the system,’ Ministry orders regional doctors


Director of Prevention at the Ministry of Health, Dr Leonard Subi.

By Doreen Parkshard

Dodoma. The director of preventive services from the Ministry of Health Dr Leonard Subi has instructed all regional doctors  to have entered the vaccination  information

in the electronic system by August 25.

According to Dr. Subi  doctors are required to fill in the information of those who have been vaccinated on a special form and send it to the ministry so that the information can enable citizens to obtain electronic certificates at all the 550 facilities across the country.

Dr. Subi made the statement while addressing  reporters about the commencement of the electronic certification exercise in Dodoma.

He said for those who have been vaccinated and would like to traveling abroad and require the certificates should go to the centers where they were vaccinated center where an emergency procedure to verify and submit information will be entered into the system to obtain a certificate electronically.

He said Dodoma region has so far issued  12,000 vaccines out of 50000 vaccines provided by the Ministry of Health  adding that there are more than 28 centers.

On Thursday, Citizens who went to the centers confirmed receipt of electronic certificates within a short period of time while calling on other citizens to carry out the exercise.

"I just went to check if my certificate was there after I was vaccinated on  August 10 but today fortunately I got here and found the electronic certificates  ready and within 10 minutes I got my certificate" said Ally Hamisi.

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