Saturday, April 10, 2021

South Africa ranked top global location for business process outsourcing services

JOHANNESBURG, (The Southern African Times) – South African government on Friday welcomed the title that the country was named the Most Favored Offshore CX Delivery Location for 2021 in the

Annual Front Office BPO Omnibus Survey Thursday.

“The rapid expansion of business process services is a tribute to the skills of young South Africans and evidence of what South Africa has to offer as a business and investment destination,” said Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Ebrahim Patel. “Industrial development is no longer only about manufacturing productive services like business process services and film-making are examples of new job creators that we are actively backing.

The digital revolution is placing greater emphasis on provision of strong, technical support through call centers. Firms in the sector want to be located close to a source of skilled workers.”

The country has seen growth in call centers, technical support and back and front office services for major multinational and South African firms, said Patel, predicting that South Africa will experience higher growth rates in the next few years.


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