Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Zanzibar leader has achieved in first 100 days

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Zanzibar's President, Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi addressing a press conference at state house in Zanzibar yesterday. PHOTO|STATE HOUSE ZANZIBAR

By Salome Gregory

Zanzibar. Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Mwinyi yesterday outlined 10 major issues that he had achieved during his first 100 days in office, detailing how he laid the foundation for his much-touted blue economic model.

Dr Mwinyi touted Blue Economy as one of the best ways to develop Zanzibar during campaigns that finally earned him a five-year term as occupant of the Zanzibar State House.

The Blue Economy concept was first highlighted at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad), held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in 2012.

Unctad defines the Blue Economy to be the economic and trade activities that focus on the ocean-based marine environment, associated biodiversity, ecosystems, species, and genetic resources whilst ensuring conservation.

And, speaking yesterday, Dr Mwinyi said his administration and the Government of Oman have struck agreement that details how the two governments will work together to implement the blue economic model, focusing primarily on fisheries, tourism, oil and gas as well as seaweed farming.

Speaking during a press conference at the Zanzibar State House, Dr Mwinyi said in implementing the blue economic model, his government started talks with different stakeholders on how to create the necessary infrastructure that will enable the model to thrive.


“I am happy to announce that we have entered into a preliminary agreement with Oman on the construction of two ports that are Mangapwani and Bumbwini. The Mangapwani port will be big and modern that will be able to offer needed port services that a port needs to have,” said Dr Mwinyi.

The Mangapwani multipurpose port in North Unguja will involve the construction of berths for liquid bulk goods, containers, fishing vessels, natural gas offshore services as well as backup infrastructure for rehabilitation of marine vessels.

The port will comprise numerous terminals, including facilities for oil, gas, fishing and a backup for construction and rehabilitation of marine vessels.

Dr Mwinyi said yesterday that under the blue economic model, the Mpigaduri port will be turned into a special fishing port.

He said his government was in discussions with some large scale investors who have principally agreed to invest more than $6.3 billion to empower the Mpigaduri activities that will include construction of industries and fishing college.

Malindi port will be turned into a facility that’s primarily used in the promotion of tourism. Big cruise ships will get access at this port and it will be turned into tourism attraction.

He said, with only 100 megawatts of electricity, most of the projects would not materialise and therefore, the government was in discussions with an American company that will be able to produce 350 Megawatts during its first phase of investment.

He said during his 100 days in office, more than 80 civil servants have been fired after he got credible information that they had been engaging themselves in corrupt practices.

Among other areas he said, his government had started a court that will only deal with domestic violence and gender abuse issues and that the procedures for handling such cases will be fast-tracked.

He called upon all citizens to work closely with the government as a way of giving enough evidence that will make the court’s job easy.

Among other things, he said he was happy that he had been able to unite people of Zanzibar through the formation of the Government of National Unity with the opposition ACT-Wazalendo.

“When I assumed power I realised it will not be possible for us to achieve anything if we will not be able to maintain peace and solidarity among our citizens. I thank God, citizens, ACT Wazalendo for accepting to have a conversation with us which has led to the formation of the Government of National Unity,” said Dr Mwinyi.


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