Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Tanzania: We Must Sustain JPM Feat - Mwigulu


THE government has directed the Law Reform Commission of Tanzanian (LRC) to come up with the

best researched proposal that will help the State to enact best and tough national resources protection laws.

Minister for Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Dr Mwigulu Nchemba issued the directives on Monday in Dodoma, when he met LRC officials, adding that protection of natural resources needs tough laws so that greedy politicians and ordinary individuals cannot find loopholes to tamper with them.

He said personal initiatives undertaken by President John Magufuli in his quest to protect natural resources must be sustained even after his departure from office, noting: "The best way to do so is to have legal frameworks that won't provide loopholes for greedy individuals in the future to tamper with the achievements recorded."

He said Dr Magufuli has entered the books of records as the President who, through his great courage, skills and strength, carried out reforms that some Tanzanians are now worried whether or not they will be sustained after office tenure.

Giving an example, Dr Nchemba said President Magufuli, immediately after assuming leadership position in 2015; he courageously undertook reforms in the mining sector, an area where the nation was losing billions of shillings.

"Mining sector is one of the areas where Tanzanians were losing billions of cash. It is through President Magufuli's courage that we see the nation now reaping profits. Had it not been the courage of the president we wouldn't have reached this far," Dr Mwigulu said.

He said every Tanzanian witnessed how President Magufuli spearheaded efforts in overhauling various contracts in various sectors and laws, adding that if he hadn't taken such bold and affirmative action, Tanzania could have again spent another ten or 20 years receiving peanut from its natural resources.

"We have carried out these reforms because of the President's courage, will and strength. You, who are charged with the responsibility of conducting researches in the legal sector, must go step further and find ways to sustain them (reforms) through legal frameworks." he told the Commission members.

The minister asked the Commission to ensure it cherishes and sustains the good work being done by President Magufuli by looking thoroughly into the shortcomings in the revised laws, and the ones to be revised for proper protection of the country's resources.

He said human beings are self-centred creatures, especially politicians, insisting that there is a pressing need to ensure people's property and the country's natural resources are legally protected.

"If you don't come up with best legal frameworks to protect and sustain what we have achieved, some individuals with evil intentions are just waiting for President Magufuli to retire so that they fulfill their evil dreams .Remember he has already said he won't extend his tenure of office," Dr Mwigulu told the Commission executives.

Mr Casmir Kyuki, the Secretary of the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania, said the Commission has recorded considerable achievements, including reviewing 41 laws as of June last year.

He said the Commission faces a number of challenges, including worn out vehicles and the increasing demand for reviewing laws. The Commission has a shortage of 24 staff.

The Mission of LRC is to reform and develop the country's laws in accordance with the values enshrined in the Constitution through law review, research and legal awareness for sustainable social-economic development.

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