Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tanzania: Twenty Illegal Immigrants From Burundi Arrested

THE Immigration Department has arrested 20 immigrants from the neighbouring Burundi, with 12 being under 18 years.

The immigrants were hired for various entrepreneurship activities in Mwanzwagi, Kagongwa and Isaka areas, with their employers (Tanzanians) admitting to have committed the crime as a result of ignorance to laws.

The Regional Immigration Officer, Mr Rashidi Magetta told reporters that the immigrants had no working, residence, or travelling permit.

"After interrogations, we repatriated them. And all the employers defended themselves that they were not aware that the arrested persons were not Tanzanians. We therefore, educated them (employers) on how to identify the immigrants as well as the effects of child labour," he said.

He named the immigrants as Ndihokuba Davidi (12) Ndimbele Nishali (13), Nandwi Abel (15), Kolode Samweli (17), Ndiwimana Eide (17) Duwayo Erick (17) and Sengiyuma Pacific (17).

Others were Nyebihizo Janod (18), Rueben Mtihomboleza (18), Hazimana Lemi (18), Negzimana Justine (18), Felisi Petro (19) and Misago Isaka (19).

The seven employers were Muhebi Maganga (57), William Masesa (41), Amos Shija (41), Shoma Kashindye (26), Emanuel Majigo (30), Januari Kiwale (60) and Bibi Mwarabu (60).

"After they admitted their mistakes, the employers offered immigrants' repatriation charges. Fighting illegal immigration needs collaborative efforts, hence, we beg Tanzanians' cooperation.

Do not accommodate illegal immigrants. Just inform us whenever you suspect any," said the regional immigration officer.


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