Monday, January 4, 2021

Tanzania: Pay Taxes to Enable Govt Provide Essential Services

PichaAS the year 2021 picks up every individual, institution and the government, you name it must have set strategies and goals to achieve for the benefit of its people.

In light of these, right from political independence in 1961, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, the founder of the nation cited diseases, ignorance and poverty as the leading enemies Tanzania must fight without surrender.

And so long as the country is still held captive by these three major enemies, its independence is still incomplete and must be addressed by Tanzanians.

Hence the Mwalimu-led administration that successive regimes have been following is fighting the enemies with our resources, which must first come from within, otherwise we shall end up depending on foreigners to solve our own problems (this comes with a cost).

For the best results, efforts in tackling these critical enemies must be shouldered by you and I as the citizens paying taxes on timely basis.

It would be pointless, for instance, for economically stable and well-educated people to be unhealthy, because drugs are not in hospitals.

These hospitals require modern facilities, professional doctors, you name it and all these require money, which must come from taxes, we pay.

In addressing it, the government has come up with the novel idea of broadening the cadre of health sector cadre, by bringing on board community health personnel.

Under the arrangement these individuals will operate from their residences, the rationale being that, they are conversant with the norms and traditions around and they would be best placed to serve wananchi on basic medical issues.

It would be a big plus in the battle against disease as one of our major enemies including others, if only people learn to pay taxes without being reminded and pushed especially as the year begins.

In short, the benefit of paying taxes is to ensure that everyone in the community enjoys the services being provided by government. The money you pay in taxes goes to many places.

In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, your tax also helps to support common resources, such as police and firefighters.

Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained. Taxes fund public libraries and parks. Paying your taxes is considered a civic duty, although doing so is also a requirement of the law.

If you do not pay your taxes, the government agency that oversees taxes-Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)- will require you to pay your taxes or else face penalties, such as fines or going to jail.


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