Monday, January 25, 2021

Tanzania: JKT Implements Project for Food Self-Sufficiency

THE National Service (JKT) says it is implementing a robust irrigation farming project, which upon completion will feed the army and the country at large.

The approximated 8bn/- project on the first phase according to the Chief of the National Service (CNS), Maj. Gen. Charles Mbuge, will feed JKT in several camps and the country at the National Food Reserve Agency ((NFRA).

The projects, implemented at 837 KJ camp covering 12,500 hectares, will as well improve the country's food security, according to the JKT chief.

He said that even villagers neighbouring 837 KJ (the army's camp) will also benefit as they get snippets from engineers partner team.

According to Maj. Gen Mbuge, the project was being implemented in collaboration with the National Irrigation Commission (NIRC) and some experts from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and the NIRC led by Eng Elibariki Mwendo.

He also said students from higher learning institutions will equally be coming for practical training including farmers in the neighbouring areas.

Speaking exclusively at the same place, Acting Head of Administration, who doubles as the Chairman of Strategic Agriculture in the National Service, Col. Hassan Mabena, said that out of 12,500 ha, the army had started with 2,500 ha and that the project, which is now at 45 per cent would be perfect beginning June this year.

Col Mabena said the army will have seedlings that will be planted at the area and the neighbouring area, insisting that they were approved by the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI).

"The experts from TARI made a good research and advised us on the seedlings that we believe shall make a good impact on the products," he noted.

He said the project was one of its own in the fact that it will help many people. He said it was on record that the army was working with experts from outside, who can help in the country's s development.

Eng Mwendo also added "This is a project which is less costly and I believe, it will deliver positive results within no time." The project was using youths from the army, who were serving the country's budget. The project is sustainable and permanent," he explained.


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