Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tanzania: Invest Heavily in Education, Zanzibaris Told


ZANZIBAR Second-Vice-President Hemed Suleiman Abdulla has called on parents to invest heavily in education so that their children in future have better lives.

He said there was a great need for parents to stand firm for the development of children in schools and equally see into that girls complete their studies.

"Parents should work hard to ensure raised welfare of their children and the development of the country at large... they must ensure their children attend school without any interference like early marriage or frustrations, which lead to poor performance," added the Second-Vice President.

Mr Abdulla made the remarks at the 8th graduation ceremony of the Zanzibar Health School (ZHS) at the Mao Dze Dung Stadium over the weekend, where parents and caretakers gathered for the colourful ceremony.

"I am happy to be engaged in such events, because it is good for our children and growth of the nation. This also shows that parents prioritise education for their children," he said.

However, he urged parents and teachers as well as other key players in the education sector to ensure proper planning and minimise challenges, which demoralise students in studies.

Elaborating, the Second Vice-President promised that the government will continue improving the learning environment for all students in the country.

After he presented them with Certificates and Diplomas in Nursing and Midwifery and some graduating as Clinical Officer, and Counsellors, he commended them for their hard work towards offering services to the public.

"However, once out... do not put a lot of money in marriage and other rituals. Spend a lot on education and in weddings," Mr Abdulla, said amid cheers from the graduates mainly females.

He said in the developing world with fast growing science and technology, education is important for children to fit in the race.

"Graduating today should not be the end of your struggle in education. You must aim higher," he advised.

On his part, the Minister for Education and Vocational Training (currently acting Minister for Health) Mr Simai Mohamed Said praised the ZHS for producing graduates, who are well-baked in their courses, saying : "You should also try the Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a conduit to improve your education."

Commenting, Zanzibar School of Health Board Chairman, Mr Ali Saleh thanked the government for working hand in hand with the private sector in improving education in the country.

However, he asked the government to review taxes in education like costs in establishing a school, adding that high taxes demoralise plans to have many of them.

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