Monday, January 4, 2021

Tanzania: DED Given Two Days to Ensure School Gets Vehicle

PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has issued a two-day ultimatum to Tunduru District Executive Director (DED) Gaspar Balyomi to ensure Tunduru Secondary School gets a school van.

Mr Majaliwa issued the ultimatum on Saturday (January 1, 2020) after Tunduru South MP Daimu Mpakate said the school was facing a transport challenge so there was a need if a motor vehicle was found to address such a challenge.

"By Monday, the school must be provided with a motor vehicle branded Tunduru Secondary School. There is no way for a school that has more than 600 students and 28 teachers lacks a vehicle," he said.

The Premier also expressed his satisfaction with the renovation at the school, commending headmaster Aminin Limia and the construction committee for a good job.

According to him, the government is determined to renovate old schools, including Tunduru Secondary that has so far spent 700m/- out of 3.7bn/- set aside for schools in Ruvuma Region.

He used the occasion to remind students on the importance of utilising the school by studying hard for them to have a better future.

"Right now you are on holiday, but still studying. Utilise this time by studying very hard. We don't expect you to get Division Four and Zero... you have also to abide by all rules and regulations for your stay in the school," he noted.

He was also impressed with the academic performance of the school for the past three years where by 90 per cent of Form Six students passed their exams.

"I expect that all students will pass their exams," added Mr Majaliwa.

Earlier, the headmaster said the school had received 792m/- from the central government through the Education Programme for Results (EP4R) for the renovation of 15 old buildings constructed 38 years ago.

Tunduru Secondary School is among the government's old schools constructed in 1982. It's a boarding school offering science and arts combinations for advanced secondary school students (Forms Five and Six).


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