Monday, January 4, 2021

Prudential Zenith Life exceeds recapitalisation benchmark

Prudential Zenith Life Insurance has raised its authorised share capi­tal to N5 billion, surpassing the N4 billion new minimum capital re­quirement set by the industry regulator, the National Insurance

Commission (NAICOM), as specified in the December 31, 2020 deadline. 
Speaking on the company’s recapitalisation achievement, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Chuks Igum­bor, said: “We have met and ex­ceeded the minimum require­ment set by NAICOM and we are positioned to meet the additional capital requirement ahead of the Septem­ber 30, 2021 deadline.
“This seamless recapitalisation effort was hinged on the enor­mous financial strength and support from key shareholders. With this, the firm is poised to emerge stronger with greater capacity to serve our esteemed customers and con­tinue to grow the business.”
Prudential Zenith Life In­surance Limited is part of Prudential Plc, one of the oldest and most capitalised life insurance companies in the world. 


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