Monday, January 18, 2021

Invest long term to reap good returns



  • Majority of the people have genuine deep desire to change their current status and attain some stability in life.
  • They seem to be trapped in a vicious circle which is hard to break.
  • When stuck in the same unfulfilling position, the only solution to free yourself is to make a major decision to let go what you have and pursue what you want no matter what it takes to get it.

As you may know, our society is in turmoil. A few people have stable jobs or profitable businesses. Many more are underemployed or running small businesses that hardly meet their basic subsistence needs.

Majority of the people have genuine deep desire to change their current status and attain some stability in life. They seem to be trapped in a vicious circle which is hard to break.

When stuck in the same unfulfilling position, the only solution to free yourself is to make a major decision to let go what you have and pursue what you want no matter what it takes to get it.

This requires courage and sacrifice to forgo what you have and discipline to persist until you achieve your goal.

Wealth and stability do not come easily. They are a product of a sound plan executed meticulously over a period of time.

Our biggest obstacle in pursuit of stability in business and life generally is spending much time and energy pursuing short term interests and gains.

If you want to grow in your business or career you cannot do it by doing what you have always been doing. You have to lay down a strategy that often requires heavy investment and sacrifices now but yield fruits few years from now.

Ten years ago, I bought a large piece of rural land driven by emotions rather than logic.

Shortly after I reasoned, and realised I have committed a blunder by putting my borrowed money where returns on investment was almost negative given the erratic rains and the climate of the areas, besides I not being a farmer.

Two years later I tried to sell it only to realise that I had overpaid it, such that getting back my investment two years later was a pipe dream.

A friend I shared my predicament advised me that planting trees was the only investment that could give me profit. The idea sounded good but the challenge still is I have to invest more money and wait for several years. I hesitated but then reasoned that even if trees took two decades to mature, God giving me life, I will be still in need of money then.

I went ahead and borrowed more money from my Sacco and planted thousands of trees. I sacrificed to pay the loan in three years without getting any returns.

However, today I derive a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from watching my trees continue to grow. In few years’ time they be mature and fetch millions.

If there is one lesson I learn from this experience is that long-term investments are the best for stability; short term investments are mostly good for daily survival.

It pays to think long term when you want to make a major improvement in your life or business. Whether it is sales, marketing, product development or getting out of debts, you can only succeed if you make long term goals and investments.

Focusing on quick gains, current problems and short-term solutions is limiting bound to confined you in your current position for ever.

Mr Kiunga is a business trainer and the author of The 7 Pillars of Financial Success.


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