Saturday, January 16, 2021

How to build your business better in 2021

By Monica Chege
Monica Chege

In the wake of 2020, the world experienced one of the unprecedented periods in humans history. We saw business owners and entrepreneurs counting losses around the globe. Companies were forced to

make adjustments to stay afloat throughout the year. 

In the last quarter of 2020, we have witnessed signs of many businesses reopening, albeit with fears about the uncertainties they face. Planning for an uncertain future can be challenging, but business owners must be ready to make sound decisions to stay in business and even grow.

Well, how can entrepreneurs build their business in 2021? 

In this article, we delve into some of the tips that companies or businesses can build on going into 2021. Now, if you ask any business owner whether the New Year has better opportunities, the most likely answer would be that it is “Impossible,” but that may not be the case. 

Let’s look at some of the tips that businesses can adopt in 2021.

  1. Create a list of can-do’s

As an entrepreneur, you must have heard of a "can-do attitude." If it is rightly so, then it is time to apply that can-do attitude to make a list. Now the list could be some of the realistic and attainable goals for 2021. 

You can begin by jotting down what you plan to achieve in the short or long term. This could be anything from creating customer intimacy to increasing your revenue or expanding your market range through new marketing strategies.

Remember, whatever you anticipate doing in 2021, put it down as the can-do's and strive to work through them; the best you can.

  1. Modify your Marketing Strategy

It follows that marketing is an element in business that keeps on changing. Today a particular marketing technique is superior; tomorrow, it does not suffice. As the industry grows, new marketing trends get on board. 

As a result, for any business owner to stay afloat in 2021, they must start utilizing the Evergreen Marketing Strategies. To do so, you must do more research to find out what works well for your business and what does not. 

And as you do so, you must keep in mind how Covid-19 has changed how marketing is now being carried out. For example, currently, online marketing is the way to go.

  1. Ensure you have a Business Website

In today’s market, having a good business website is a massive impact on success. this age and time, the majority of customers will visit your website before making a purchase. Therefore, having an online presence, especially the website, can be make-or-break for making more revenue. 

E-commerce is practically gaining grounds as a way of linking businesses and consumers - thanks to Covid-19. However, for you to benefit from the large influx of online customers, you must consider several elements, including the following:

  • Ensure that your website is user-friendly and compatible with various devices
  • To drive more people to your website, ensure your pages are SEO compliant.
  • Your brand proposition should be clear that every person understands what you are offering.
  • Ensure the website portray some aesthetic value
  • Having customer testimonials will be an added advantage.
  • Get to understand your customer needs and wants

Your customers are your greatest assets, and, therefore, understanding their needs and wants is essential. Now, for you to understand your customer, you have to review their feedbacks frequently. In the process, you will be able to respond to their needs accordingly. 

One way of getting in touch with your customer is through social media platforms and website customer product reviews. Remember that both positive and negative reviews are important in building your product and services.

  1. Pay Attention to Customer Service.

Any seasoned entrepreneur will tell you that customer service is the driving force of any business. Customer experience is an integral element in business and can significantly influence your business line and how people perceive your business. There is so much to customer service that is not limited to boosting sales.

For you to achieve that, you must elevate your customer service efforts in 2021 by doing the following:

  • Form new memorable experiences for your customer base
  • Customize/personalize purchasing experiences
  • Reward your esteemed loyal customers
  • Pay attention to your customer concerns.
  • Always ask customers for feedback.

As important as it is to have a finance department, a customer support department is essential within a company now more than ever. 


The road to recovery from a fall may be long, but it always worth trying to make an effort. Most certainly, 2021 will come with a fair share of its challenges, but if you, as an entrepreneur, will take it boldly and work through it, you will accomplish your set goals.

Monica is a dynamic marketing and communications professional with over ten years of progressive experience in brand management and strategic corporate communications.


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