Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Economic impact of disasters in 2020


Amid the effects of Covid-19 pandemic in Rwanda and the world in general, disasters worsened the situation further consequently leaving behind economic consequences.

The consolidated report by the Ministry of Emergency (MINEMA) on the economic impact of disasters on Rwanda in 2020 indicated that 5,968.653 hectares of crops and 458 hectares of forests were damaged by disasters while 290 people lost their lives as 398 were injured.

Of the total 2,522 number of incidents that affected the economy and lives of people, there were 84 fire incidents, 173 floods, two hailstorms, 324 landslides, 198 lightning cases , 15 mine disasters,1,550 rainstorms, 99 wildfires and 77 windstorms.

At least 8,013 houses, 95 classrooms, four health centres, 151 roads,  102 bridges, 22 churches, 26 water supply systems, 96  electricity transmission lines, 16 administrative offices, six markets and one factory  were damaged while 3,491 livestock died owing to disasters, reads the report.


The report shows that, in general, the most disaster struck locations include Ngororero, Rulindo, Rusizi,Muhanga,Karongi,Gicumbi, Gakenke, Gisagara, Rutsiro,Gasabo, Bugesera and Burera Districts.

The districts that recorded highest deaths include Gakenke with 27 deaths, Gasabo with 22 deaths, Gicumbi with 16 deaths, Karongi with 15 deaths, Muhanga with 23 deaths, Ngororero with 28 deaths, Nyabihu with 32 deaths, Rulindo with 14 deaths and Rutsiro that recorded 17 disaster related deaths.

In terms of effect on the agriculture sector, the districts of Gakenke, Gatsibo, Gisagara, Kirehe,Nyagatare,Nyaruguru,Rulindo, Ruhango had the most acreage destroyed in 2020.

Rulindo District recorded the highest number of livestock deaths at 30,041.

With regard to infrastructure, roads were among the most impacted with statistics showing that the districts with the most effects include Muhanga, Ngororero, Ruhango, Karongi and Rulindo while Kamonyi and Ruhango had the highest number of damaged bridges.

Water supply systems were damaged in Rulindo District while transmissions lines were damaged in Kamonyi, Nyamasheke and Rulindo Districts.

Damaged forests are in the districts of Bugesera, Gatsibo, Nyamasheke,Kayonza and Nyanza.

Classrooms were most damaged in Nyaruguru, Muhanga and Gisagara Districts.

Houses were most damaged in Rulindo, Ngororero, Kirehe, Gakenke, and Nyagatare Districts.

A glance at disasters in 2019

The report shows that in 2019, at least 271 disasters destroyed 5,687 houses while 10,610.45 hectares of crops were damaged.

Disasters also damaged 203 classrooms, 30 roads and 50 churches, 40 bridges and 21 administrative offices, six water supply systems and 72 transmission lines, four markets and two factories while 2,979 livestock died.

Some key interventions

Although some of the damages are yet to be rehabilitated, some interventions have been made.

“Those rescued from disasters were supported to get shelter while others were relocated from high risk zones,” said Jean Claude Twishime, Public Relations and Communications Officer at MINEMA.

In August, 2020, The Ministry in charge of Emergency Management launched a $1 million project aimed to support residents affected by disasters.

The project dubbed “Provision of Emergency Shelter and Agriculture Support to Communities Affected by Floods and Landslides in Rwanda” will support those affected in the districts of Nyabihu, Ngorororero and Gakenke.

The project looks at the sectors of health, agriculture, housing and shelter, infrastructure and environment that were mostly affected.

The project intends to support affected households to restore crop production for food and nutrition security.

A total of 2,900 households which is about to 13,651 individuals will be targeted in the support initiative providing them with agriculture tools such as hoes, shovels, pickaxes and watering cans and improved seeds at the budget of $200,000.

Meanwhile, a total number of 1,765 households, which is about 7,027 individuals will be supported through provision of iron sheets, nails, cement, and galvanized wire at a tune of $800,000.

Following disasters that continue to destroy farmers’ crops and kill domestic animals, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), in May 2020, announced a move to subsidize insurance costs for more crops and livestock so as to cushion farmers against losses.

For crop insurance, Irish potatoes, beans, soybeans and bananas, cassava and horticulture crops among others were among those considered, while for livestock, poultry and pigs will be considered.

In June 2020, the Ministry of Infrastructure announced that there is a need of Over Rwf120 Billion needed to repair infrastructure namely bridges, roads among other public infrastructures.

The Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) was allocated Rwf163 billion in the 2020/2021 fiscal budget to finance ongoing projects, new roads, and repairing damaged infrastructure.

Rwanda lost property of an estimated value of Rwf204 billion due to disasters in 2018.

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