Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Counties to debate referendum Bill after IEBC okays signatures

Dennis Waweru

Co-chairperson of the BBI Secretariat Dennis Waweru during a past event. PHOTO | JEFF ANGOTE | NMG

The electoral agency has cleared the draft BBI (Constitutional Amendment) Bill 2020 after confirming that over one million voters support the initiative.

The chairman of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Wafula Chebukati on Tuesday wrote the Speakers of all the 47 county assemblies to table the draft Bill. 

The Bill must be approved by at least 24 counties before a referendum is held.

Dennis Waweru, the co-chairperson of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Secretariat, said the referendum would be conducted soon.

"With the clearance from IEBC we now have a short time to have the BBI Referendum Bill tabled in all the 47 county assemblies in order to have a referendum conducted as soon as possible," Mr Waweru said.

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