Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tanzania: NGOs Launch End Violence Ambitious Project


TANZANIA Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) in collaboration with three other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has launched an ambitious project aiming at ending all forms of

violence and discrimination against women and young people in Tanzania.

The 4-million-US Dollar project dubbed Mwanamke Imara will be implemented in three regions of Kilimanjaro, Mbeya and Njombe, according to TAWLA Executive Director Tike Mwambipile.

"Mwanamke Imara Activity is a US Dollars 4 million three-year project designed under the consortium model and implemented by four organisations- TAWLA (lead), TANLAP, KWIECO and WiLDAF. The project is funded by USAID.

In her presentation during the official launching of the project held at Dodoma's Treasury Square, the project coordinator, Ms Mary Richard, said the project aims at ending all forms of violence in targeted regions through improving access to justice.

It also aims at amplifying women voices and participation in leadership, decision making and governance and strengthening women and youth economic groups and thus enhancing their access to resources and information.

"Women and young people need to be aware of their rights and all forms of violence and discrimination, have timely access to justice and empowered economically as well as actively participating in leadership and decision-making structure," noted Ms Richard.

In the project, she added, each organisation will use its niche and expertise to effectively implement the project. Tanzania Network of Legal Aid Providers (TANLAP) will specifically deal with access to justice, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) will focus on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), TAWLA will deal with Women in Leadership, while the last component of Women Economic Empowerment will be handled by Kilimanjaro Women Information Exchange and Community Organisation (KWIECO).

According to Ms Richard, the activity has three specific objectives which are increasing women and girls' access to justice on rights-based issues (land and property rights, inheritance and gender-based violence) in Mbeya, Njombe and Kilimanjaro.

Others are increasing women and young people's voices and participation in leadership, decision-making structures and governance in three regions as well as Strengthen women and youth economic groups by enhancing their access to information and control over resources.

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