Wednesday, December 16, 2020

HR managers and CEOs: What we expect when you walk into an interview

By Winnie Makena 

When you are getting ready for your job interview, you have probably gone through standard job-seeking procedure. You know to put your phone away, not to dress like a slob and to practice your

answers to the most common interview questions. As practical as these rituals are, there are real secrets that can give you an edge and make you stand out in a sea of similar, if not better applicants. We talked to HR managers and CEOs who shared some of the secrets of the trade that will land you the job. Also, good to note that the opinions expressed are their own and not those of the institutions they work for.

Before we meet you…

Before you even get the interview, your resume tells us who you are. We go through thousands of applicants, scanning 100 applications an hour for suitable applicants. Therefore we cannot go through stories on your resume. Keep it short, clear and concise. Do not list all the job descriptions of your previous jobs. Focus only on results and tie results and outcomes to the company’s financial position. Along with that, do not use one CV for all applications. Tailor-make your CV for every new job application to align your skills with those required.

 When we see you…

I consider myself an elderly HR person, having worked for over 25 years in human resource across different industries. I believe the biggest hurdle is that the education system has not evolved at the same rate as the job market. 8-4-4 focused a lot on memorisation as opposed to comprehension. Even with the curriculum based system, the problem still persists. As such, applicants may be missing out not by their own fault. However, getting a deeper understanding of what you do beyond the classroom may help.

Majority of candidates do not even know whom they are interviewing for. Some send out hundreds of applications they even forget which company they are interviewing for. For instance, if you are going to interview in a bank or a financial institution, dress appropriately, not just decently.

Polly Mwangi, East Africa HR Manager at SUCAFINA


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