Saturday, December 12, 2020

How to climb the Wealth Pyramid with speed

To climb the wealth pyramid and join the top 20%, these are thus the three things you must do.

How to climb the Wealth Pyramid with speed

There is a ″Wealth Pyramid″ in every society and in almost every country that distributes wealth using the metric: 1%, 4%, 15%, 60%, 20%.

For many decades, this wealth pyramid has refused to change. It has remained the same despite the

numerous New Year resolutions, wealth empowerment programs, technological advancements, and all the governmental wealth redistribution programs.

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Today, 60% of any given population barely gets by. They have a myriad of financial problems. 20% are broke, and find it hard to meet basic needs. 15% have their personal and family needs covered and can afford to save and invest. 4% are prosperous and can afford to live in luxury, while the last 1% are super-wealthy and can afford anything money can buy.

So why are there only a few people at the top of the wealth pyramid?

The answer is simple and there are two reasons for this.

The first reason is that people are trying to climb the wealth pyramid all by themselves. Doing it alone is the longest, most painful, and laborious way to climb.

The second reason is that people are becoming rich and becoming poor almost at the same time. Long-lasting wealth is now a thing of the past. While wealth has increased over the past decade, a lot of it has been lost due to the lack of discipline, skills, and character to preserve wealth.

To climb the wealth pyramid and join the top 20% there are thus three things you must do.

The first thing you must do is understand that the odds are against you. The second thing you must do is have a plan to improve the odds. And third, you must do is create a system that channels some of the wealth to you. Below I explain these three points in detail.

1. The Odds are against You

If you are a working-class professional and among the bottom 80%, the odds are stacked up against you. This is because you gain your wealth from a system. That places a limit on your income. The No 1 rule for climbing to the top of the pyramid is to never have a limit on your income. When you depend on one source of income that is limited. You limit your chances of ascending to the top. You also put yourself in one of the worst categories of people in the world.

There are three categories of people in the world. The first category is those with the least likelihood of success. The second category is those most likely to succeed. And the third category is those most likely to gain Power.

  • Those with the Least Likelihood of Success

The majority of employees fall under this category and employees are those with the least likelihood for success. According to research, over 95% of them will end up in retirement a burden to their loved ones. And there are only a few wealthy employees in the world. This is because employees fetch from a wealth system that trade-off maximum income for a secure monthly stipend. There are like the proverbial man who goes to the ocean with a teaspoon. Although there is an enormous amount of wealth that can be earned from their employers. They are limited by the security option they choose. Climbing to the top on the back of a limited income is almost impossible.

  • Those Most Likely To Succeed

Employers and Business owners fall under this category. They are the ones most likely to succeed. Business Owners are the wealthiest people in the world and they are the ones with the capacity to climb to the top. Yet not all businesses are created the same. Certain businesses have a higher likelihood of success than others. There are two categories of businesses. The First category is wealthy businesses. Those with huge assets, employees, and cash reserves. The second category is struggling businesses. Those with irregular and sporadic income. These are called SMEs. Successful businesses have a higher chance of success than SMEs. According to Research over 75% of SMEs fail after the first 10 years. They fail because, small business owners enter the business world without the right skills, knowledge, and mentorship. They try to climb the wealth pyramid on their own and destroy their limited resources in the process. No one ever climbs the wealth pyramid all by themselves. Everyone was helped to get up there. So if you want to move from SME to a successful business you must get the help you need to thrive.

  • Those Most Likely To Gain Power 

The people with the highest chance of gaining power are politicians and government officials. There have the power to create and annul laws. But despite their enormous power they and deficient in wealth. Power without wealth is still a disadvantage so to make up for this. The government and politicians occasionally collaborate with successful business owners. Who are custodians of wealth to gain a certain wealth advantage. In exchange, they give the business owners some leg in the power play. The Government unlike employees and SMEs use what they have which is Power to get what they need. They use their power advantage to draws some of the wealth of successful business owners. Employees and small business owners must learn to do the same.

So now that you know your odds and how difficult it is to climb the wealth pyramid, how then do you climb the wealth pyramid with speed?

To climb the wealth pyramid with speed you need a system that increases your odds. And the only system that works well is to use the advantage you have to get the advantage you need.

But how exactly do you do this?

The fastest way to achieve this is to master the art of solving important problems for wealthy people.

2. Solving Problems for Wealthy People

The fastest way to climb to the top is to solve problems for those already at the top. And there are a few problems that are important to them. The first problem is how to increase their wealth and remain at the top. And the second problem is how to protect and preserve their wealth from dying. Anyone that can solve these problems ends up with a share of the wealth.

Now you may be saying to yourself, why would I want to help those who already have plenty of money?

The answer is simple.

The only way to grow rich is to solve problems for many people. And who best to solve a problem for than the person with the most capacity to pay you.

If you solve problems for poor people especially before you become wealthy. You get a lot of prayers, kisses, and thank you but no money. Worse of all is that you postpone your own financial success and become financially drained yourself. The best time to help poor people is when you are already Rich yourself. This is the only time you can truly help them.

So helping wealthy people solve their income problems is the fastest way to get to the top. See it as a fair trade-off. You are helping them only because it can help you get to the top. And when you offer this kind of help make sure to offer it the right way.

There are two ways to offer help to wealthy people. The first way is to become their worker or subordinate and collect monthly or hourly wages. This is the path to limited income. The second way is to become a peer, independent helper, or advisor and get paid strictly on a performance basis. This is the path to maximum income.

All businesses are based on Performance-based income. So when you trust yourself enough to accept payment based on measurable results you gain the respect of wealthy people and become elevated to more wealth.

Workers and subordinates are treated with less respect. They earn poor income because of the guarantee that comes with their income. While you may still be a worker today you want to find opportunities to leverage on performance-based income. To do this successfully you have to elevate your capacity to the level where you are comfortable with earning based on results. It is the fastest way to get to the top.

So now that you know what to do to increase your odds and earn more income how exactly do you channel some of the wealth to yourself?

There are two ways to channel more wealth to yourself.

The first way is to create wealth from scratch. This is the hardest and longest way. You are creating money from thin air usually all by yourself.

The second way is the Channel some existing wealth to yourself. Here the money already exists all you need to do is give the owner of wealth what they want by solving a problem for them and get what you want in return. This is the fastest way. To do this you need a wealth connection system.

3. The Wealth Connection System

The wealth connection system function like any other connection system in the world. Let’s use a water connection system as an example.

Imagine for a moment that you need water in your house and the only place to get water is in your neighbor’s house.

What is the fastest way to get some water into your own house?

You can build rapport with your neighbor and increase your chances of getting water or You can hate, condemn, and despise your neighbor for having water, and ends up starving.

If you succeed in building rapport with your neighbour there are two choices to make.

The first is to negotiate a Bucket system where you come every day to your neighbour’s house to fetch water. This is time-consuming, back-breaking, and demeaning to mention the least. Worse off is that you can never truly build your own water reserves. So you will continually depend on your neighbor for water. This seems to be the case with most employees.

The second thing you can do is to negotiate a Pipe connection system that channels water directly into your house. This is a smarter move and the fastest way to build your own water reserves. This is the way of performance-based income.

Hating, condemning, or despising those at the top will not make you wealthy. All you need is a connection system that gives you access to their wealth.

The problem is this system rarely exists and when there do only a few people have access to them. To solve this problem we have created our own wealth connection system. Our goal with this system is to help you connect to the wealth of the wealthy and increase your chances of achieving financial success. With this system, we will be creating a new Tribe of working-class professionals called “The Wealthy Middle-Class”. Although the wealthy middle class is people with the least likelihood of success we are helping them break the odds and achieve financial success.

If you want to know more about how you can join the Wealthy Middle-Class, what to do to get to the top of the wealth pyramid and how you can create your own wealth connection system and draw from the wealth of the wealthy send an email to

The entire world is a giant Pyramid system. There is an unequal distribution of wealth and advantages. Presidents are more powerful than citizens. Employers are wealthier than employees. Religious leaders have more influence than their congregation. And men have more advantage as leaders of their homes than women and children.

Everything in life is arranged in a pyramid system from top to bottom.

And you have three choices:

  • Fight the pyramid system and wear yourself out.
  • Use a Bucket system and become perpetually dependent.


  • Create your own wealth Connection system and become massively wealthy.

Our goal is to increase your chance of climbing to the top. Your role is to seize the opportunity.

About author

Grace Agada is The Senior Financial Happiness Director @ Create Solid Wealth. She is an Author, and Column Contributor in Six National Newspaper. She is a contributor at BellaNaija, Nairametrics and Proshare and she is on a mission to help working-class professionals and CEOs become more financially successful. To learn more about Grace and how she can help you send an email to


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