Wednesday, December 2, 2020

How to build solid financial success system and achieve financial freedom quickly

These are the three systems you need to speed up your financial success by almost 20 times.

Financial system and freedom

The majority of people I know want to increase their financial success. If this is also what you want to do, you need solid financial systems.

What systems do you need and how do you increase financial success especially if you are stuck in a 9-5 job? In this article, I will show you exactly what to do.

To increase your financial success, there are three systems you need. These systems determine how fast or slow you achieve financial freedom and are explained below.

Multiple Income System

This is the system that brings in massive money into your life. It comprises 3 main components – quality of your main income, source of your income, type of income.

The quality of your income can be high or Low. It is high if your main income gives you the ability to save more than you spend. It is low when you can only spend more than you save. High-quality income is the only type of income that can make you rich.

The second component of the multiple income system is the source of your income and there are two types – the one source income and multiple source income. The key to fast-tracking your financial success is to upgrade your source of income from one to many.

The third component of the multiple income system is the type of income you earn. There are two types of income – active income and passive income.

When you earn only active income or have a weak passive income, you limit your chances of financial success. True success is created when you have a strong active income and a strong passive income. You accelerate your financial success when you depend on passive than active income.

These are the three components of the multiple income system. When you have all three components working for you, you accelerate your financial success by almost twenty times.

So, now that you know the first system for fast-tracking your financial success, let’s look at the second system.

Money Preservation System

Earning extra income is just one step in the financial success process. What truly creates wealth is the income that you keep. True riches are created when you keep more income for yourself.

Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Most people are only keeping leftovers for themselves. They are enriching others through their spending and getting poorer and broke every day. To achieve financial success, you must preserve more of what you earn. To succeed with preserving income, you must maximize two key components – the savings component and investing components.

The savings component works best when you save big portions of your income every month and investing your savings to produce solid passive income. To save big portions, you must strive to increase your savings by 1% every month. You must also try to maintain a low maintenance living standard.

The second thing to do to preserve your income, is to ensure that money saved and invested is never lost. Losing money through unguided investment decisions is not wise. To achieve financial success, you must invest to preserve your savings.

So, now that you know the second system that can accelerate your financial success. Let’s look at the third system.

Money Multiplication System

The money multiplication system is the system that enlarges your wealth. There is a limit to which savings and investing alone can make you rich.

This is because they are heavily dependent on your own direct effort. To create massive wealth, you need to move beyond your effort and create systems that can enlarge wealth even in your sleep. To create this kind of system you need one critical component –  Leverage.

What is Leverage?

The best way for me to explain leverage is to use the example of a school Teacher and a movie star. A school teacher solves the problem of ignorance through education and a movie star also solves the problem of ignorance and boredom through education and entertainment.

Both teach their audience something about themselves or other people, that they do not know before. A teacher delivers her services by standing in front of a few students and is confined to a classroom. Every day of her life she does the same thing, teaching the same materials to different kinds of students.

Without her presence, her work cannot be delivered, her time is blocked. She is cut off from the wider society and can only earn income from her direct effort. Although, the teacher arguably provides higher perceived value than the movie star, she lacks leverage and her income is limited by it. This, therefore, means that you can provide enormous value and still not be rich. Value alone does not lead to wealth. It is value and leverage that creates massive wealth.

The movie star in contrast has massive leverage. He shoots a movie in some remote town unknown to the audience. He invests weeks, months, and sometimes years producing the movie. But, once produced, he never has to do the same movie over again. The movie produced is distributed all over the world. He is seen on all the media platforms, in theatre, television, and DVDs.

His movie is watched by billions of people. He is able to build a solid fan base and is patronized from all over the world. A movie star works once and is paid for a lifetime. It is the long-lasting and far-reaching value of the work of a movie star that makes him richer and wealthier than the classroom teacher. Thus, even with little perceived value, a person can create massive wealth with the right leverage.

Leverage is thus the ability to work once and be paid for life. It also the ability to do it in one place and spread it all over the world. The tools that make leverage possible is the right relationships, the right media platform, and the right distribution system. If you do not build your own leverage system, there is a limit to how much money you can earn.

So, these are the three systems you need to speed up your financial success by almost 20 times. Perhaps, you are thinking to yourself how do I build these systems and where do I start. If this is you, we can help. We will help you build these systems and accelerate your journey to financial success. If you need help, send an email to

About author

Grace Agada is the Senior Financial Happiness Director at Create Solid Wealth. She is an Author and Column Contributor in six National Newspapers. She is a contributor at BellaNaija, Nairametrics and Proshare. She is on a mission to help working-class professionals and CEOs become more financially successful. To learn more about Grace and how she can help you, send an email to


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