Sunday, December 27, 2020

How I spent my BBI Christmas with Bensouda


I questioned myself why I should visit Bensouda, given all she has done to me since schools opened, especially after her handshake with Kuya.

John Nyagah | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Financially, Covid-19 forced me to close the state-of-art Fiodrelina CBC Pedagogical Academy even before we could recover the costs use to establish it.
  • Since we were just the two of us on Christmas morning, I took breakfast leisurely with Fiolina from bed.

This has been one tough year financially, domestically, physically and even academically.

Financially, Covid-19 forced me to close the state-of-art Fiodrelina CBC Pedagogical Academy even before we could recover the costs used to establish it.

On the domestic front, Fiolina conspired with others to ensure I hosted two girls whose father I did not know, and whose mother I have my own suspicions!

On the physical side, I have not exercised as I would like to, after Fiolina found me working out with beautiful Rumona. She banned me from exercising, unless I am with her.

I will not even discuss academic matters, but you know Covid ensured KU never opened for school-based students in a year I was to graduate. Professionally, Kuya has been a pain in the you know what!

Like every law-abiding citizen, I was looking forward to a quiet Christmas. Not because I had no reason to celebrate, but because I had no means to make merry. My initial plan was to send Electina and Honda to their parents, and Sospeter to his aunt Caro. With Brandon still away with his mother, I looked forward to spending Christmas quietly with Fiolina.

But come Tuesday, and my brother Ford called, asking what my plans for Xmas were. Things are elephant between Ford and I, and reconciliation was scuttled by his refusal to share imondo with me, a sign he wanted nothing to do with his blood brother.


 “Let’s meet at Cosmos,” he said. I am not saying we were going to reconcile, but I do not mind a drink from him.

I was still thinking of how I would explain to Fiolina why I was meeting Ford when Bensouda called incessantly the next day. I did not pick, afraid she would ask why I had closed school early, without her permission.

“Don’t worry dear. I am not calling you over work. Let me know when we can talk,” she texted.

Bensouda calls me “Deputy” when angry, “Dre” when she is ok with me, but “Dear” is usually when she’s offering juice.

“What are you doing on Xmas day dear? I am hosting friends,” she wrote. I told her I had no plans.

“So is that a ‘yes’ Dear?” she texted back. I told her it was not a No.

How was I going to tell Fiolina that I was going to be away on Christmas Day, and how was I going to tell Ford “No”, after I had committed to join him at Cosmos?. I also questioned myself why I should visit Bensouda, given all she has done to me since schools opened, especially after her handshake with Kuya.

As a believer in peace, I saw no contradiction. I saw no issue with building more bridges with everyone at school, except Kuya. Ford will always be my brother. We can meet any day.

Since we were just the two of us on Christmas morning, I took breakfast leisurely with Fiolina from bed. She then went to church, leaving rice and chicken slowly cooking. She returned with some friends later.

I excused myself, saying I was joining my friends.

Glass of juice

I expected several people at Bensouda’s house but there was no sign of a soul. I knocked. After what felt like a century, Bensouda opened the door, looking unhappy and excited at the same time.

“I have looked for you Dre,” she said as she opened the door. She only had a lesso.

“Kwani who do you think you are?” she asked. I reminded her it was Xmas, not time to quarrel.

“Anyway, it’s nice to see you,” she said, smiling as she let me in, then hugged – no, squeezed me – tightly for long. But my mind was on the table, where there was a jug of juice, biscuits and a plateful of groundnuts!

“Feel at home dear. I am going to take a shower,” she said and left. I was on my fourth glass of juice when she returned about half an hour later. I had not touched the biscuits but the nuts were almost finished. She served my favourite drink, the Famous Grease; while she took Kingfisher. I wondered if she was fishing from me!

Later, she switched on a small black box, from where she played soft music, controlled by the phone! We danced and made merry.

It was late, very late when I left Bensouda’s place. I was feeling satisfied as I went home. Satisfied that I had built a bridge with Bensouda and hoped that the bridge would not have been swept away by floods when schools reopen.


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