Saturday, November 7, 2020

World leaders congratulate US President-Elect, Joe Biden, as his team makes history

Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as President of the United States and to Kamala Harris on her historic achievement.

Hours after the announcement of Joe Biden as the President-Elect of the United States of America, encomiums from notable world leaders have been pouring in for the septuagenarian.

Recall that Nairametrics had earlier reported that Mr. Biden had emerged successful after a keenly contested election.

What they are saying

Some of the world leaders and influencers that have reacted to the victory of Joe Biden so far include:

British Prime Minister Mr. Borris Johnson:

“Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as President of the United States and to Kamala Harris on her historic achievement. The US is our most important ally and I look forward to working closely together on our shared possibilities from climate changes to trade and security.”

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives:

“We kept the republic! Congratulations to Joe Biden on his victory for the soul of our country. Congratulations to Kamala Harris for making history. It’s a time to heal and a time to grow together. E Pluribus Unum.”

Former U.S President Bill Clinton:

“America has spoken and democracy has won. Now we have a President-Elect and Vice President-Elect who will serve all of us and bring us all together. Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on your momentous victory!”

Jimmy Carter, another former U.S President:

“We are proud of their well-run campaign and look forward to seeing the positive change they bring to our nation.”

Hilary Clinton, Former Presidential aspirant:

“The voters have spoken, and they have chosen @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris to be our next president and vice president. It’s a history-making ticket, a repudiation of Trump, and a new page for America. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. Onward, together.”

Why it matters

The choice of who leads USA, directly or indirectly affect other countries. Therefore, the efforts by the aforementioned elites is aimed at ensuring peace and calming frayed nerves, especially as the incumbent president is questioning the legitimacy of the election, and  has promised to seek legal redress.

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