Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tanzania: Utilise High Quality Rice Seed, Growers Advised

RICE growers in Misungwi District have been urged to utilise Saro5, a high breed seed for quality and quantity farm outputs, hence improve their livelihoods.

Speaking at the weekend during a JICA Alumni Association of Tanzania (JATA) zonal meeting, senior lecturer at Ukiriguru Agricultural Institute Chacha Ryoba said JATA was composed of Tanzanians from various public and private institutions studying in Japan and other parts of the world under the sponsorship of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Senior lecturer and agricultural expert noted that the 'Saro5' seed assured farmers of both quality and quantity, but only when farmers knew how to apply best agricultural practices.

"Among important directives to farmers is plant spacing, wherein 30x15, 30x20 and 20x20 space intervals are all acceptable. Spacing serves the penetration of push-weeder machines during weeding," said the agricultural expert, adding that: "Compared to other traditional rice seeds, which provide harvest only between eight and 15 rice bags/sacks per hectare, the modern and high breed 'Saro5' provides between 35 and 40 sacks."

He advised JATA members to consult Ukiriguru Institute through their district and municipal councils with a view to training rice farmer groups in their areas.

According to him, training involves how and where to preserve harvests, especially in this time when many farmers lack modern and standard granaries, as well as how to seek markets.

JATA Executive Secretary, Dr Rose Temu, commented that despite some challenges, many community members benefitted from the business-oriented knowledge, offered by the association, especially those dealing with entrepreneurship activities.

"Main objective of this meeting is to launch the association's Lake Zone as well as visiting our beneficiaries in this district, observing how best they have been stepping ahead in their various businesses after we offer them 'know how' kind of knowledge," she said.

Mwagala Adventist Women Entrepreneurship Group in Misungwi District was among JATA beneficiaries that had managed to collect nearly 15m/- since its establishment in 2018.

Group Secretary Joyce William noted that it was entrepreneurship knowledge from JATA that pushed members to seek capital from Misungwi District Council for business expansion.

"We had 2m/- and the council offered nearly 10m/-. We expanded our school and handbag manufacturing business to produce 100 pieces per day.

We also deal with sanitary towel manufacturing as well as snacks making," she said.


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